
#Ex-Googlers hope you’ll pay $4.95/month for their search engine

#Ex-Googlers hope you’ll pay $4.95/month for their search engine

Google has a tight grip over internet search and there’s not much to argue over there. Data from Statcounter suggests that close to 90% of internet users in the US use the Big G, followed by Microsoft’s Bing at 5.43%.

While Google‘s dominance on the search market will seemingly continue for at least a few years, there have been questions over the company’s privacy-related practices. Now, two former Google execs, Sridhar Ramaswamy and Vivek Raghunathan, have launched a new search engine called Neeva. Its claim to fame is that it’s private and ad-free — but you’ll have to pay for it.

The company just launched its product in the US at $4.95 per month after a three-month trial period — that’s almost the same price as Apple TV+. So, what do you get in exchange for your money?

Apart from offering ad-free search results, Neeva’s browser extension will block all trackers for you. Plus, the company promises to never share your data with anyone.


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