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#Love and Thunder’s First Full Trailer Arrives to Ignite the Hype

“Love and Thunder’s First Full Trailer Arrives to Ignite the Hype”

Marvel Studios made everyone wait a long time for the first full trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder, but the hype starts now.

It’s been just over a month since Marvel Studios gave us a first look at the return of Thor in the teaser trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder, and now, we have a brand new, better idea of what to expect from Chris Hemsworth’s fourth solo outing as the God of Thunder. With the movie due out at the beginning of July, it has been one of the closest-to-release trailers ever to be put out by Marvel, meaning that there has been a lot of attention on this first look at the main players of the next Marvel blockbuster. Check out the trailer below.

Thor: Love and Thunder will bring together Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Valkyrie and sees the return of Jane Foster, who over the course of the movie will be transformed into The Mighty Thor. We know that Natalie Portman will be returning to the franchise for the first time proper since her appearance in Thor: The Dark World, and this time around she will be taking on the role of The Mighty Thor when she wields a newly forged Mjolnir. Other returnees include Tessa Thompson’s Valkyrie, Chris Pratt’s Star-Lord, Dave Bautista as Drax, and Vin Diesel as the voice of Groot along with the arrival of Christian Bale as villain Gorr the God Butcher.


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Marvel Will Be Looking for Another Huge Hit With Thor: Love and Thunder

As Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness passes the $800 million mark worldwide to become the biggest movie of the year so far, Marvel Studios is looking to Thor’s newest adventure to do the same and potentially challenge their own movie for the top spot among this year’s theatrical releases. Of course Thor: Ragnarok was a huge film, both in the change of tone for Thor movies and the worldwide box office response. With pretty much the same team returning, including Taiki Waititi behind the camera, something would have to go drastically wrong for Thor: Love and Thunder to not smash the box office this summer.

All of this means that once again, Marvel has proved then even in the closing stages of a global pandemic, when some movies are still struggling to pull people into cinemas around the world, audiences cannot get enough of the tangled and intricate Marvel Cinematic Universe. While some directors and critics have had their say on Marvel killing cinemas and smaller, independent movies, it seems like it is Marvel Studios who have almost single-handedly saved cinema over the last several months.

Marvel Studios’ work has now expanded to television as well, and that means to get the most out of the Marvel cinematic experience, audiences also have to keep up with the new shows coming to Disney+, as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has shown that the two are working complementary to each other. For some, that may seem like too much of a commitment for a bit of entertainment, but for the rest, it is an engrossing feat that has never been seen before and will likely never be seen again.

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