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#Animal Kingdom season 5 premiere spoilers: What do we know?

#Animal Kingdom season 5 premiere spoilers: What do we know?

Animal Kingdom season 3If you love Animal Kingdom, odds are you are very much excited for season 5 to be here in a little bit over a month! It goes without saying that this is going to be a very dramatic season, and one that is stuffed full of all sorts of action and plenty of surprises.

For the sake of this article, let’s talk a bit about titles — episode titles, in fact. The first episode of the season carries with it the title of “Red Handed,” and we gotta wonder IMMEDIATELY what that means. Is someone going to be caught in the act? Is this a sign of big trouble?

Do you want to stay up-to-date with all of our Animal Kingdom season 5 coverage? Then be sure to subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube! There will be reviews coming your way all season long.

If there is one specific way we’re reading this immediately, it is that some of these Cody boys are going to miss having Smurf around. She was one of the best planners in the family and without her vision, it could be a little bit harder for them to get from point A to point B without problems every step of the way.

Meanwhile, the title for the second episode of the season is “What Remains,” which could be a reference to Smurf’s legacy in its own way. J, Deran, Craig, and Pope may all be immersed in a power struggle through a good chunk of this season, as they each try to figure out if they can take advantage of a different place in the metaphorical power pyramid.

We like to think of these episodes as setting the foundation for everything else that is coming — we’re sure that there are mysteries aplenty through the rest of the season, and danger around every corner.

Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Animal Kingdom right now

What are you hoping to see the most on Animal Kingdom season 5?

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