Social Media

#How to Protect Your Social Media Accounts From Hackers

How to Protect Your Social Media Accounts From Hackers

Do you think your social media accounts are at risk of getting hacked? Well, if you use your pet’s name as a password and connect to unsecured public Wifi while waiting in line for your latte, they just might be.

Don’t worry, we’re bringing you advice on ways you can better protect your social media accounts and avoid unexpected issues.

Take care of your password hygiene

ExpressVPN’s infographic on password usage shows that poor password hygiene speaks all languages. As it turns out, an average person uses the same password across six or seven platforms. Risky practices like reusing passwords, memorizing them, and sharing them with other people are some of the easiest ways your credentials could get compromised and potentially lost forever. Luckily, password managers are here to save the day and keep your credentials safe. They can create an infinite number of highly secure passwords and store them in an encrypted vault out of any hackers’ sight.

However, if you really want to stick to DIYing your passwords, make sure to create strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts, and don’t share them with anyone. You might also want to consider adding in symbols, numbers, and use upper and lowercase letters.

Use two-factor authentication

According to statistics, only 26% of companies in the US use two-factor authentication to protect their accounts, even though it is one of the easiest security methods to implement. Two-factor authentication simply uses two verification methods to ensure an additional layer of security over your accounts. It most commonly combines passwords with biometric factors like fingerprints or face scans. This way, hackers will be less likely to get your sensitive data since they have to obtain an extra piece of information to gain access.

Use a VPN

Pew Research Center reported that 61% of Americans want to do more to protect their privacy. One of the easiest ways to do that is by using a VPN. Virtual Private Network acts as a shield over your online activities, encrypting all your data in transfer and keeping your location and identity private. It can help you access geo-restricted content, and it’s beneficial to those who tend to use public Wifis quite often. Open networks are known as one of the hackers’ favorite ways to harvest data, so it’s good to be prepared. Also, use a VPN whenever you’re shopping or making an online transaction because financial data is always at the top of a hacker’s target list.

Create a separate email address for social media

Having a single email account for everything from business projects to newsletters from a local shop may seem convenient. However, it can quickly turn into a cybersecurity nightmare, and you can lose access to all accounts connected to the email in question. Hence, try keeping your personal and business accounts and profiles separated and create different email accounts for them.


Taking proper care of your passwords is the backbone of a sturdy cybersecurity framework, especially when it comes to social media. Also, make sure to protect your online activities and keep your private and business accounts separate.


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