
#How UX designers can save us from our own shitty passwords

#How UX designers can save us from our own shitty passwords

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In 2019, cybercrime cost businesses more than $2 trillion globally. With the influx of digital products, more and more people are reusing login credentials – the leading cause of data breaches. For too long, the user experience of password management has been ignored. It’s time for designers to rethink every aspect of password UX.

Much of our lives are digitally managed. There’s an app, website, or SaaS platform for nearly every aspect of the human experience, and they all require passwords. With so many accounts come problems.

According to, 80% of data breaches are traced to weak or reused login credentials, 61% of people use the same password for multiple accounts, and only 44% of users change passwords at least once per year.

That’s a lot of trust to place in online platforms. If one app is hacked, all accounts are vulnerable.

Password ux

The present-day password situation is frightening. As designers, we might be tempted to concentrate on the visual appeal of login screens while ignoring how users actually create passwords. We might even think that passwords are developers’ responsibility.

Unfortunately, the password problem has a real business impact. Frustration during signup leads potential users to abandon the process altogether. Others forget the convoluted passwords they were forced to create and overrun customer support, wasting time, manpower, and money.

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A poorly considered password process has a negative domino effect on users and businesses alike. Is there anything designers can do to improve the situation?

How to improve password UX

There are a number of strategies that improve password UX, and they aren’t overly complex. As always, it’s important to have a picture of core users when planning a password experience. Aim to strike a balance between:

  • Clear instructions
  • Simple actions
  • Long-term user security
Reset password ux