
#How ‘less-than-one-shot learning’ could open up new venues for machine learning research

#How ‘less-than-one-shot learning’ could open up new venues for machine learning research

If I told you to imagine something between a horse and a bird—say, a flying horse—would you need to see a concrete example? Such a creature does not exist, but nothing prevents us from using our imagination to create one: the Pegasus.


The human mind has all kinds of mechanisms to create new concepts by combining abstract and concrete knowledge it has of the real world. We can imagine existing things that we might have never seen (a horse with a long neck — a giraffe), as well as things that do not exist in real life (a winged serpent that breathes fire — a dragon). This cognitive flexibility allows us to learn new things with few and sometimes no new examples.

In contrast, machine learning and deep learning, the current leading fields of artificial intelligence, are known to require many examples to learn new tasks, even when they are related to things they already know.

Overcoming this challenge has led to a host of research work and innovation in machine learning. And although we are still far from creating artificial intelligence that can replicate the brain’s capacity for understanding, the progress in the field is remarkable.

For instance, transfer learning is a technique that enables developers to finetune an artificial neural network for a new task without the need for many training examples. Few-shot and one-shot learning enable a machine learning model trained on one task to perform a related task with a single or very few new examples. For instance, if you have an image classifier trained to detect volleyballs and soccer balls, you can use one-shot learning to add basketball to the list of classes it can detect.

[Read: A beginner’s guide to the math that powers machine learning]

A new technique dubbed “less-than-one-shot learning” (or LO-shot learning), recently developed by AI scientists at the University of Waterloo, takes one-shot learning to the next level. The idea behind LO-shot learning is that to train a machine learning model to detect M classes, you need less than one sample per class. The technique, introduced in a paper published in the arXiv preprocessor, is still in its early stages but shows promise and can be useful in various scenarios where there is not enough data or too many classes.

The k-NN classifier

k-NN machine learning algorithm