
#Nonprofit Karmagawa to donate $1 million for children in Yemen

#Nonprofit Karmagawa to donate $1 million for children in Yemen

August 3, 2020 | 3:09pm

A popular charity on Instagram will donate $1 million to help children impacted by coronavirus and civil war in Yemen.

Karmagawa — the nonprofit founded by millionaire trading expert Timothy Sykes that raises awareness of global issues on social media — will announce the donation on Wednesday.

Sykes chipped in $500,000 from his June and July stock trading profits, with the rest of the total made up of contributions from his social media followers and sales of the group’s merchandise.

“It’s our honor to give back to those in need and the people of Yemen have been through so much lately with war, a cholera outbreak, now a coronavirus outbreak and possible famine too, there’s one child dying every 10 minutes!” Sykes said.

Karmagawa co-founder Mat Abad added, “For example, the food packs our charity partners like Partners Relief and Mona Relief in Yemen are distributing cost a little over $50 each and can feed a family of 5-6 for one month!”

So far, Karmagawa has built more than 70 schools around the world, with a goal of 1,000.

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