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#Why Azah Awasum is destined to be great!

#Why Azah Awasum is destined to be great!

Azah AwasumThere are a lot of great cast members on Big Brother 23, but how can you not be excited about Azah Awasum? We’re talking here about a huge fan of the show, someone who respects the gameplay of Jun Song, and also someone who appreciates the hilarity of Keesha’s birthday from Big Brother 10.

In a nutshell, what we’ve got in her is someone who is a clear ambassador for a lot of us watching at home — but will she end up being as good at the game as we want her to be?

Want to watch our most-recent Big Brother 23 pre-season update? Then check out what we think about the recent cast change below! Once you do, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for live-feed updates and SO much more all season.

For now, there is a reason to be incredibly optimistic. Let’s start with her life experience — she’s 30, so she isn’t just coming into this straight out of college. She also works in sales, so she understands fully the importance of communication. One more thing — she’s an avid traveler, or at least she was pre-pandemic. That always is good from our vantage point, since it means you know how to talk to people from different backgrounds and upbringing.

Sure, a percentage of Big Brother comes down to winning competitions, and we don’t know if Azah is as strong physically as some other competitors. Yet, the vast majority of this game is social. If people like you, they won’t want to get rid of you! This is why we feel like she’s going to go far; she understands the importance of connections and playing under the radar. She recognizes that winning is more important than having one little victory along the way (though she is excited to be competing in Otev).

Azah is one of those players we wish was on every season — a person really excited to be there who understands what Big Brother is. She wants to get a ride-or-die ally, work with them, and then play the rest of the house along the way. Let’s send as many good vibes her way as possible!

Related – Check out some other discussions and spotlights pertaining to the Big Brother 23 cast!

How excited are you about Azah Awasum on Big Brother 23?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Also, stick around — there are more updates coming that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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