
#This is why you can’t ride hail a robotaxi in Europe… yet

“This is why you can’t ride hail a robotaxi in Europe… yet”

If you read a lot of tech news, you’d think we’re merely months away from being able to hail a robotaxi in Europe. Unfortunately, this will be wrong: because those articles are most likely talking about projects in North America. The EU approach to autonomous ridesharing and ride-hailing is vastly different to the US.

So, we had a simple question: when will we be able to catch a robotaxi and Europe? And why can’t we yet?

Currently, there are robotaxis (and a small number of roboshuttles) in the US, but only roboshuttles in Europe, terms we’ll define later. This difference between the two locations comes down to two things: regulations and ideology.

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However, let’s take a step back. The first thing to understand is what we mean by autonomous vehicles.

Levels of Driving Automation

Vehicle automation is far more than the self-driven robotic ride many people envision. There are five levels of vehicle automation:

robotaxi article