#This Is Us season 6 episode 17 promo: Saying goodbye to Rebecca

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“This Is Us season 6 episode 17 promo: Saying goodbye to Rebecca”

More than likely, Rebecca is going to die during “The Train,” and will not make it to the series finale. We’ve heard that there is some optimism at the end of the series, and we’re not sure the writers will want to continue to prolong the sadness beyond another episode. Yet, this is going to be really tough — she’s the unsung hero of the show, as many mothers are. Jack was often looked at as the hero, but she did so much more than anyone ever realized. Now, is the time to pay that back and send her off the right way.
New This Is Us video! Take a look below for more of our thoughts on tonight’s emotional installment. Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are other updates coming on the remaining episodes.
Below, you can see the first-look promo for “The Train” that features Randall and others pondering how to best say goodbye. You also see Beth delivering a heartfelt message as she explains how Rebecca was an inspiration to her as to how to be a mother.
We’ve heard Mandy Moore say already that this script legitimately made her throw up, so that’s your indicator of how tough it will be. It is a situation that many viewers out there have experienced in life, and that relatability may make it even tougher. Yet, sometimes it’s good to cry — that may be what the message the show is trying to share.
Related – Get more news on This Is Us, including more on tonight’s episode
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