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#These TV Couples Were Set Up to Succeed, But Failed Miserably

#These TV Couples Were Set Up to Succeed, But Failed Miserably

Do you ever find yourself wondering why you don’t ship a couple?

You love both the characters, the story is well-written, but for some reason, you’re still not feeling it. 

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Sometimes it’s due to a lack of chemistry between the actors. In other instances, it’s due to an unnecessary turn of events. And once in a while, you simply can’t put your finger on it. 

Check out our list of 13 relationships who were given all the tools needed for success, yet ended up as failures.

Hughie and Annie – The Boys

Hughie and Annie - The Boys

Hughie losing his girlfriend to a Supe made him blind with rage, but Annie helped him see clearly again. He started off by playing her for information, but Annie changed the way he saw the world. We were rooting for them since their first meeting, but when they were together, even if it was only for one episode, it wasn’t as satisfying as we’d imagined.

Charles and Liza – Younger

Charles and Liza - Younger

If you weren’t on Team Josh, you were spending each season rooting for Liza and Charles to get together. Unfortunately, many people who liked the pairing ended up disliking their relationship. They were built up to be magnificent, yet as a couple, they faded into the background.

Dex and Grey – Stumptown

Dex and Grey - Stumptown

Love triangles have a tendency to ruin even the most beautiful ships. Dex and Grey could’ve followed the best friends to lovers trope and quietly pined for each other for seasons. But things got messy fast, as they often do with more than one love interest, and it made the whole show go downhill.

Beth and Rio – Good Girls

Beth and Rio - Good Girls

Beth and Rio’s relationship immediately stole the hearts of fans. There’s something about enemies to lovers that always hits different. However, in a turn of events, Good Girls took the enemies aspect too far. While the series was originally telling the story of two very different people slowly falling for each other, it became about two people who loved to watch the other suffer. Talk about wasted potential.

Nancy and Nick – Nancy Drew

Nancy and Nick - Nancy Drew

Nancy and Nick appeared as if they were going to be the ship of the show. Even after breaking up, we were always confident that they would find their way back to each other. The chemistry is there, the story is there, but their personalities are simply too different. It clearly wasn’t a curveball the writers expected, but Nick and Nancy don’t fit together as they should.

Stefan and Caroline – The Vampire Diaries

Stefan and Caroline - The Vampire Diaries

Stefan’s broodiness and Caroline’s bubbliness made them opposites, yet they were the same at heart. They gradually went from strangers to best friends to lovers. So what was the problem? The honest answer is that Klaus and Caroline’s phone call had more chemistry than Steroline’s wedding. You can have the perfect build-up, but sometimes, love can’t be forced.

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