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#’The Witcher’ Showrunner Previews Geralt of Rivia’s ‘Vulnerability’ in Season 2

#’The Witcher’ Showrunner Previews Geralt of Rivia’s ‘Vulnerability’ in Season 2

Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill), the mostly solitary, emotionally unavailable monster-hunter-for-hire, is about to be a lot less alone on Season 2 of the fan-favorite series The Witcher.

For starters, since he is duty-bound to protect Princess Cirilla of Cintra (Freya Allan), he’s reluctantly taken on a fatherly role. And when the season kicks off, Geralt and Ciri are journeying to the remote Witcher home base, Kaer Morhen, so Ciri can receive training to defend herself.

The Witcher Season 2 Freya Allan and Henry Cavill

(Credit: Netflix)

Once there, a new side of Geralt emerges. “You get to see a vulnerability in him. You get to see the teasing between siblings, and the protectiveness of a father,” says showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich of the Witchers’ family-like dynamic and Geralt’s own tough parental figure, Vesemir (Kim Bodnia).

On the way to Kaer Morhen, Geralt and Ciri make a pit stop at the magical mansion of his old pal Nivellen (Kristofer Hivju, who played Game of Thrones warrior Tormund Giantsbane).

“Nivellen is cursed, imprisoned in this boar-meets-bear-meets-human body, and haunted by his past,” Hivju teases of the tale, reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast. Stories like those told in these episodes are “probably a little bit more intense than Season 1,” says Hissrich. “We lean into suspense, horror and those darker elements a little bit more heavily.” Just what we want.

The Witcher, Season 2 Premiere, Friday, December 17, Netflix

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