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#The Resident: Saying Goodbye to Nic, Our Favorite CoNic Moments, & Where They Go From Here!

#The Resident: Saying Goodbye to Nic, Our Favorite CoNic Moments, & Where They Go From Here!

Shockwaves have hit The Resident fandom with the news that beloved star Emily VanCamp is hanging up her scrubs as Nic Nevin ahead of the new season.

Sadly, her loss also means the end of the cornerstone relationship of the series — Conic.

We gathered together a few of our Resident Fanatics to discuss the farewell to another main star, our favorite Nic and CoNic moments, and what we expect from the future of the series.

Glowing Mom  - The Resident Season 4 Episode 13

Check out our discussion with TV Fanatics Carissa Pavlica, Laura Nowak, Leora Waltuch, and Resident Fanatic Meaghan Frey below!

How shocked are you by this news of Emily[VanCamp] leaving ahead of the season? How do you feel about the loss of Nic Nevin?

Carissa: Very shocked. Conrad and Nic just had their happiness after years of false starts and plan-making. We only just lost Mina. I’m almost without words, to be honest.

Meaghan: I was completely caught off guard by the announcement. I guess it makes sense given that she just had a baby, and she has her commitments to the MCU as well.

However, I still did not see it coming. After spending the entire series rooting for CoNic to get their happy ending, this feels like a major punch to the gut.

CoNic and their Baby- tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 14

Laura: I’m completely shocked and devastated. As Meaghan said, it makes sense considering she just had her first child. When I read that recently, I wondered if she might be taking time off for maternity leave. I never expected her to leave completely. This hurts.

Leora: As some of you may know, Emily VanCamp was the main reason I started watching the show. I’ve never gotten invested in a medical show before, but she’s one of my top five favorite actresses. Conrad is awesome, and I love him, but can we have a show without Nic?

I know when they made Nic pregnant so early in the Conic marriage, people were speculating that the actress was pregnant, but Matt Czuchry and Emily VanCamp denied that she was, and I believed them. I respect that she wanted to keep it private; it just means it caught us all by surprise.

It explains the storyline a lot. And yes, as a new mother, it makes sense that she wants to take a step back. I do wish they’d had time to film her departure, though.

Do you have any theories on how they’ll write her out of the series?

Carissa: I think she’ll die. There isn’t another way to do it, not with a baby. Conrad would fight to the bitter end to keep her, and no story other than death could keep them apart. I’m sure of it.

Meaghan: I’m with Carissa. There is no way they are having Nic leave Conrad and their newborn baby for any reason other than her death.

The biggest question is how they will do it, given that Emily isn’t returning for any episodes at all to wrap up the storyline. Having it occur completely off-screen in-between seasons will not give us real closure for her character, but it would also feel too weird to have it happen during the first episode and not see it play out.

Laura: I agree that it must be death. There is no other way. She would never leave Conrad and her baby daughter.

Conrad and His Daughter - Tall - The Resident

It’s been several years since I’ve seen an off-screen death of a lead actress between seasons occur in the season premiere of a show. It’s not my preferred choice, but I imagine they need to cover it and kick off the season.

Leora: I think everyone else is probably right. Between the promo and just what would make the most sense for her character and CoNic, death makes the most sense.

Swallowing that AJ didn’t leave when Mina did was hard enough. Unless they plan to write off Conrad, which they wouldn’t because it would kill the show, death is the only option.

Or maybe a coma that could last a few years before she decides to come back, but that’s super unlikely.

Checking Records - Tall  - The Resident Season 3 Episode 18

What do you think this means for CoNic, and assuming you’re a shipper, how does this make you feel about their relationship and journey?

Carissa: Conrad is going to be devastated. This story feels a little too similar to Max and New Amsterdam, so I hope that Conrad manages to incorporate GG into his life a lot better than Max did initially.

As for their journey, I feel like we’ve been fooled. I’d rather she suffer a severe facial injury so that she could be recast. It wouldn’t be the same, but Conrad has chemistry with a tree branch, so they could make it work.

If it is what it is, I hope he doesn’t spend the rest of the series alone. He’s too good at love to have it cast aside so quickly.

CoNic Forever - Tall - The Resident Season 3 Episode 16

Meaghan: This is the downside of any series going on longer than two or three seasons – eventually, people will want to leave the show, and that throws a wrench in ships. I just finished watching ER for the first time and had to let go of so many ships that I was devoted to because of cast departures.

One good thing about killing off Nic would be that she and Conrad got as close to a happy ending as possible with her leaving the show.

There isn’t any universe in which I would accept the two of them breaking up, so I guess this is the only reasonable alternative.

I second Carissa on the fact that Conrad cannot end up alone. The man could get a wall all hot and bothered, and now that he will be a single grieving widower? The women of Atlanta will be flinging themselves in front of busses to get some face time with him.

Gala Date - Tall  - The Resident Season 3 Episode 16

Laura: My poor Conrad. I’m relieved we saw the two of them married last season and have the baby daughter they always wanted. As Meagan said, they got as close to a happy ending as you could. I couldn’t see them separating at this point after all they’ve conquered together.

Conrad(Matt) will totally kill this grieving widower and single dad story. I’m in the minority that hopes they don’t pair him with someone too soon. I want to see him grieve Nic. Their love was special.

Leora: I agree with Carissa that it feels like we were fooled. However, I wouldn’t want them to replace the actress. I hate that. It’s so soap opera. Plus, it wouldn’t be Nic to me.

I agree with everyone that Matt Czuchry will kill the grieving process.

Love and Affection - The Resident Season 2 Episode 4

And Laura, I’m right in the minority with you. I don’t want to see Conrad move on too quickly, either. It would do a disservice to their love story. Maybe in a few years, but not now. (Assuming the show lasts that long).

Do you think the series can sustain itself after losing two major characters with Mina and now Nic?

Carissa: Here’s how I’m looking at it. They created them in the first place, so I hope they can make magic again. I do not think the recently cast characters can make that impact, so they’ve got work to do. But history suggests that this can work.

I’m watching NYPD Blue right now, and Jimmy Smits’ character Bobby Simone just died, and it was heart-wrenching. But the very next episode, they introduced a new character, and I didn’t hate it. I saw his good qualities and how he brings a different slant to similar stories.

It can be done. Whether it will is another story.

Mina Talks to Nic - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 9

Meaghan: Absolutely! The series has done an incredible job at creating strong, dynamic characters. We all went from hating Bell during The Resident Season 1 to rooting for him to reconcile with Jake and being on Team KitBell. They can work their magic again on a new female lead!

I completely agree with Carissa, though. None of the recently introduced characters can fill Mina and Nic’s shoes, so they have to bring in someone new.

Laura: Again, I’m in the minority. I think losing both its leading ladies could hurt the Resident and make Season 5 its final season. I absolutely believe the rest of the cast is extremely talented, but losing both Mina and Nic is a gut punch.

It demolished their two main couples — and those two females were fierce and sassy and fun to watch. It’s going to be hard to find others like them.

MiNic Secrets - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 4

Leora: Again, I agree with Laura. I mean, I know Grey’s Anatomy lasted a lot longer after pretty much all the original main characters left, and couples broke up. But there’s a reason I never watched Grey’s Anatomy.

Even with Jasmine’s reviews last season, there was a growing frustration with Mina’s exit, the introduction of new, less likable characters, and how they handled certain storylines.

Now we’re losing one of our leads and half of one of the main couples, and it’s just after we lost Mina and Minator.

Maybe it would be best if The Resident cuts its losses and wraps up after this season, so we aren’t still here in a decade wondering when it’ll end and feeling nostalgic for when it was good.

It's Too Much - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 8

Jasmine: Leora invoking my name for the hottest of takes! But you aren’t wrong, and I feel you.

I wasn’t exactly a big Nic fan, but I respect the significance of her presence and now loss, and I don’t know how they’ll make up for the departure of two of their female leads like this. I’m still not over Mina’s disappointing arc and sendoff!

And yes, I must say that while I enjoy Leela, I have not been charmed with the shoehorned presence of Billie, and my sentiments will never change.

What will you miss most about Nic?

Carissa: For a very long time, she irked me. So, I can let her go. What I will miss most is how Conrad loved her.

All Danced Out-Tall - The Resident Season 2 Episode 9

Meaghan: Nic had the perfect mix of compassion and strength. Too often, female characters in medical dramas are too heavy on one while lacking the other, but not Nic.

She is also one of the few people who has always broken through Conrad’s walls. She is going to leave big shoes to fill in that department.

Laura: I adored Nic. She was fierce and compassionate towards her patients and everyone. I will most miss her with Conrad as they are one of my all-time favorite couples, and she could reach him like no one else could.

Leora: What won’t I miss about her? I’ll miss everything!

Saving Her Sister - Tall - The Resident Season 2 Episode 22

I’ll miss her relationship with her father, her sisterly bond with Mina and Billie, and how she loved Conrad. I’ll miss how she loved her patients and how she was determined and stubborn.

I’ll miss how she stood up for herself and refused to back down. I’ll miss how she cared about what was right. I’ll miss her snark, but I’ll also miss her compassion.

I’ll miss the few times they dove into her past and how I was hoping they would do it more. I’ll miss them exploring her flaws and seeing her grow.

I’ll miss her taking care of everybody but herself. I love Nic so much!

What are some of your favorite Nic moments or storylines of the series?

Carissa: Easily her friendship with Mina, and that time they were on the road while that girl died with her sister. They just clicked. And when she got stabbed while pregnant, Emily did an outstanding job conveying her fear and determination.

Meaghan: In a series filled with incredible medical cases, the Lily storyline always has stood out as one of the greats. Nic’s role in that storyline and Emily’s work during it solidified Nic’s character for me.

Laura: I agree with the moments mentioned above. The Lily storyline was one of my absolute favorites. I also really loved Nic’s relationship with her sister and how she fought so hard to save her. I losing her sister made her closer to Mina since they bonded over similar grief.

Lily in the Valley - The Resident Season 1 Episode 9

Leora: One thing I loved about Nic was how she emphasized the value of nurses. I loved that speech she gave about nurses in Season 1 when she was on trial for Lily’s death.

She helped me appreciate this under-appreciated field of heroes. There were little moments when you would see her do something better than the doctors, like take blood. I loved that.

I really enjoyed her arc in the first season and how she went after Lane, even when nobody believed her.

I liked it during The Resident Season 2 when she had a panic attack at Mina’s party. I always wanted them to delve into her anxiety issues more. I loved when she confronted her dad about his plan to kill himself.

Father of the Year - Tall - The Resident Season 2 Episode 23

I loved all the moments the others mentioned above and many more.

Nic was my favorite character. The show won’t be the same without her.

What are your favorite Conic moments from the series?

Carissa: There are so many! But I always liked their scenes away from the hospital the best.

Meaghan: Nic getting Conrad the chickens. It was such a small light-hearted moment, but it has always stuck out to me.

A Patient's Secret -Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 3

Laura: I love the chickens, Meaghan. I have so many. How do I choose?

One of my favorites is from The Resident Season 1 Episode 2 when Conrad asks Nic if the song playing at the club is their song. When she replies they don’t have a song he cheekily says they should make it that one, and they dance.

I also love the flashback in The Resident Season 2 Episode 3 when we learned about their miscarriage and why Nic had trust issues, and that pivotal moment she told him she loved him too.

Leora: I loved it when she told Devon how great a doctor Conrad is, even though she isn’t his biggest fan at the moment, and when she left Conrad in the storage locker with his pants down.

CoNic Forever - The Resident Season 2 Episode 3

I loved her telling Conrad that talking about their lives and opening up isn’t a sign of weakness. I love when she asks him not to shut her out.

I love when she finds out the ring belonged to his mother, and he tells her that thing about how his mother told him to give it to the love of his life, and he wants her to keep it because she earned it.

I love when they get back together after Lily. I love Conrad getting her out of jail. I loved them dancing on the roof.

I loved it when Conrad proposed to her and when Nic got him chickens. I love her telling him that he’s her one-hour person.

I love every moment ever put in a CoNic fan video on YouTube.

Have your expectations of the upcoming season changed after this news?

Carissa: No. Conrad. Devon. Bell. Kitt. AJ!! We’ve got great, well-established characters who make magic on this show, and I look forward to that continuing. They’ll all rally to lift Conrad, and there’s a lot that can come of that.

Meaghan: As devastated as I am, surprisingly not really. CoNic were finally in a good place, so I figured we would just get to see them be new parents and all the fun and challenges that go along with that.

With Nic leaving, it just shifts that focus to Conrad as a single dad and struggling with that while grieving the loss of the love of his life. I just know we are going to get TV gold from Matt as a result of this storyline.

Celebrate the Good Times - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 4

Laura: Yes! While I adore the rest of the cast and watch the show for all of them, I was looking forward to seeing CoNic in a good place raising their daughter. I KNOW Matt will kill it. He’s great at emotional material.

We do have several other stories in play that I’m curious to see where they go. But yes, my excitement has been tempered.

Leora: Yes. I mean, I’ll still watch, but I’m not as excited, and I’m nervous about where the show might go.

I think I talked about this in another section. Because of the pandemic, The Resident Season 4 was a rushed one, which is understandable, but it was also poorly received.

Billie's Secret - tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 13

I love The Resident, but they’ve made some mistakes, and losing two beloved cast members is a huge blow. Plus, I liked Billie, but I get that nobody else did, and her main draws were her relationships with Nic and Cain, who are both gone now.

It’ll be a rough season, for show. But, you know, the show has surprised me before. Maybe it will again.

Do you have anything else you’d like to say about this shocking departure, the upcoming season, etc.?

Carissa: Bring. It. On.

The Resident S5 Key Art

Meaghan: No one else is allowed to leave! I coped with Mina’s sudden departure. I’m reluctantly accepting Nic’s. That is all I can handle.

Please give my heart a break, guys! Or at least send me some boxes of tissues to get through it.

Laura: I’m with Meaghan. No more departures!

Leora: Yes, Meaghan, 100%! No more leaving! It’s a shame actors have to be real people with lives that can affect the show. Maybe we should use robots next time.

Over to you, Resident Fanatics. What are your thoughts on our discussion and Emily VanCamp’s departure? 

What are your favorite Nic and CoNic moments? Are you going to miss Nic? 

Hit the comments below and share your thoughts. 

The Resident returns on September 21 on FOX at 8/7c. To catch up, you can watch The Resident online here via TV Fanatic. 

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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