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#The Good Doctor season 4: More news on filming preparation

#The Good Doctor season 4: More news on filming preparation

The Good Doctor

Good Doctor season 2 episode 4Originally, there was word that The Good Doctor season 4 was slated to kick off production this month. That has since been delayed until early August. In all honestly, we’re in an era where there is so much flux and anything can change further at just about any moment. We have to be prepared for that.

What we can tell you is that the crew of the hit ABC show are already preparing for just about everything in Vancouver now. They could be one of the first major scripted network shows to be back in production, and they’re working to ensure that there are no problems and proper guidelines are being met.

Want more news on The Good Doctor in video form? Then be sure to watch our look towards the future below! Once you do that, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news and then view our show playlist. More news will be coming up soon…

In a new interview out of CTV Vancouver, producer Shawn Williamson detailed some of what’s being done, noting that masks are being worn throughout the production offices and soundstages, while hand sanitizing stations have been placed around the set. Speaking of which, the sets are also being altered slightly so that there is more room for physical distancing, both in terms of the cast and also the crew.

The piece also notes that series star Freddie Highmore is already in British Columbia quarantining, which is a part of the preparation for anyone to step on set. Anyone who is traveling to BC from elsewhere has to undergo a 14-day period before they are allowed at work, and there is still a medical screening process that needs to be done.

On paper, we are confident that The Good Doctor is doing what it can to prepare its cast and crew, which is good since we’re talking about a show with healthcare at the center of it. It’s also somewhat easy for the writers to include real headlines into the show — it would make sense for the characters to be social distancing as much as possible if they are dealing with such a health crisis.

Related News – Be sure to get some more information right now on The Good Doctor, including further news on the future

What are you preparing to see when it comes to The Good Doctor season 4?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, remember to stick around for some other news. (Photo: ABC.)

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