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#The French Kisses (ew) are born

#The French Kisses (ew) are born

FrenchieToday on the Big Brother 23 live feeds, things have been rather quiet on the campaign front. Even though either Travis or Alyssa is going to be evicted on Thursday night, there’s really not that much of a rush for anything to happen. As a matter of fact, Travis may wait until tomorrow night to really start fighting hard!

In case you are wondering, that is precisely why we are here discussing the French Kisses, quite possibly the worst alliance name ever.

Yes, we also have a new video breaking down this further! Watch that below and, while you’re at it, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! We do have other coverage coming up all season that you don’t want to miss out on.

Of course, the architect of this alliance was Frenchie (hence the name). So who is in it? Think along the lines of himself plus Azah, Claire, Hannah and Tiffany. Sure, Frenchie himself may not have created the name, but does that really make it better? This entire alliance is also pretty absurd, since we don’t really think that anyone is altogether gung-ho to go along with it in the long-term. It’s just Frenchie trying to cover his butt for next week and then also the women not wanting to say “no” to any alliance. Azah did go and vent about it later to Britini, who then encouraged her to just pretend like she’s cool with it for now. (Remember that Azah does have other alliances, including the Cookout with Derek F., Kyland, Xavier, and Tiffany.)

So who is the biggest target for next week? Derek X. is a name that’s been thrown around a lot, but we almost wonder if he’s going to get out of it just because he’s not acting that threatening. If he lays low, who knows how someone else will shoot themselves in the foot?

Related – Be sure to get some other updates from the Big Brother live feeds right now

Is the French Kisses the worst Big Brother alliance name ever?

Be sure to let us know right now in the comments! Once you do that, stick around for all sorts of other insight on the series. (Photo: CBS.)

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