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#The first update; who is struggling?

#The first update; who is struggling?

FrenchieTonight, the Big Brother 23 live feeds turned on for the first time — how could you not be excited about that? It feels like a fun season already based on the cast.

Oh, and did we mention that we already have our first Head of Household? Frenchie is in power and with that, we’ll have to wait and see just what he chooses to do. We just hope that we can get some sense of where his head is at tonight…

Have you had a chance to watch our video review of the Big Brother 23 premiere as of yet? If not, be sure to check that out below! We’re going to be giving you live-feed scoop all season, so be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for all of that good stuff you don’t want to miss.

The first thing we noticed when the feeds came back were that Alyssa has a clear case of the night-one jitters. She’s feeling sick and clearly dealing with a lot of anxiety that comes with being in the house. It happens to at least one houseguest almost every season; we just don’t always see it on the live feeds.

Related – Check out some other news and updates regarding Big Brother 23 right now

What are you the most excited to see on Big Brother 23 throughout the season?

Be sure to let us know right now in the attached comments! After you do that, remember to also stick around — there are some other updates ahead and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: CBS.)

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