Trip & Travel

#Prepare for Departure from Aircraft Anxiety – 10 Top Tips for Helping Nervous Flyers

#Prepare for Departure from Aircraft Anxiety – 10 Top Tips for Helping Nervous Flyers

You want to book that vacation of a lifetime but you’re terrified of flying? Well, have no fear because there are many things you can do to help you overcome most, if not all, of that terrible anxiety. It’s difficult for people to understand who don’t suffer from extreme anxiety just how debilitating it can be. Here are some top tips to help nervous flyers:

#1 Ditch the Caffeine

In the couple of hours before a flight, avoid caffeine entirely. You might feel you need it to calm your nerves but it will have the opposite effect. Caffeine increases stress and can make you feel on edge and jittery, which is the last thing you need when you’re already feeling anxious. Choose caffeine free soft drinks or even better, water. Flying can make you dehydrated so get enough water will make you feel better physically.

#1 Ditch the Caffeine

#2 Get the App

There are some great apps to help you prepare for flying. Learning breathing techniques is proven to help reduce stress so apps like Breathe2Relax are perfect for getting you into the right frame of mind. Any app that focuses on anxiety and fear of flying could be useful and there are hundreds of them so keep trying until you find one you like.

#2 Get the App

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