
#De Blasio unsure normal life in NYC will return next summer

#De Blasio unsure normal life in NYC will return next summer

Mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday that he can’t assure New Yorkers that the coronavirus-ravaged Big Apple will be “back to normal” — even by next summer.

“My hope is you’ll see a vaccine by spring and it is distributed and people are vaccinated by a late point in the spring, hopefully the latest, maybe even sooner,” de Blasio said during a conference call with reporters.

“And then that season when you see a lot of the big events in the summer that we will be back to normal,” said Hizzoner, explaining, “That’s my hope, but I don’t want to assure anything until we get a lot closer.”

De Blasio made the comments while responding to a reporter’s question about whether street fairs will come back to the city next year.

Street fairs and parades alike in the Big Apple were nixed after the coronavirus crisis plagued the city back in March.

The mayor said he wants street fair organizers “to understand like all the folks who have the great events in this city — our goal is to see them back next summer.”

De Blasio has repeatedly said that the reopening of the city is based on science and data.

“I can say this — what we’ve learned from this whole crisis is to make decisions based on the data and the science,” the mayor said. “That’s going to be what determines everything.”

Bill de Blasio
Bill de BlasioGetty Images

COVID-19 has so far killed more than 23,000 city residents — confirmed and probable — and sickened more than 230,000 across the five boroughs.

But the positivity infection rate in the Big Apple has consistently remained low for weeks.

According to the latest city data, the percentage of those testing positive for the bug citywide is 0.87 percent.

“Everything is going to be decided based on the data and the science and health and safety first,” de Blasio said.

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