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#Strange Ranger share “She’s on Fire,” detail new album

Pure Music is out July 21 via Fire Talk.

Strange Ranger share “She’s on Fire,” detail new album

Strange Ranger. Photo by Yulissa Benitez


Strange Ranger’s 2021 album No Light In Heaven played like a conscious deconstruction of the “rock band” label. The tracklist flitted between industrial noise, George Clanton-esque underground pop, shoegaze-inspired sounds, and straight-up bar rock, challenging the listener to reimagine what cohesion looks like in a modern indie rock-leaning LP. Pure Music, the band’s new project, is out July 21. Today, their new single “She’s on Fire” arrives.

A press release promises a Loveless-inspired project with just as many diversions as their previous full-length. “She’s on Fire” offers a tantalizing glimpse of that sound: it begins with vaporwave synths and glitched-up vocals, then slides effortlessly into a dreamscape a la Ride.

“When you’re young,” the band’s Isaac Eiger says in a press statement, “it feels like life has a kind of arc to it and up ahead in the future, there’s some point where all your experiences converge and this fog of confusion will lift and you will have arrived. This is definitely not true and increasingly, music is the steadying hand I lean on when looking for meaning. It provides a spiritualism that feels absent from much of life and I want to be as close to that feeling as possible.”

By Jordan Darville

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