
#You can now explore the Universe virtually — spanning 13.8B years in time

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#You can now explore the Universe virtually — spanning 13.8B years in time

Itis only a dream to explore the Universe by sailing between galaxies, soaring through vast regions of the Cosmos in a comfortably-short period of time.

But now, an international group of researchers have found a way to make this dream come true. A new virtual universe allows anyone to swoosh through the Universe in an unprecedented virtual setting.

Fly through the Universe in this video showing off the Uchuu model, provided by Center for Computational Astrophysics (CfCA)

Uchuu! Gesundheit!

Uchuu (宇宙) — which translates from Japanese as “outer space” is both the largest, as well as most realistic, simulation of the large-scale Universe ever produced.

Dark matter distribution simulated by Uchuu. Image via

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