
#Robo vehicles, relays, and more are revolutionizing long-haul trucks

“Robo vehicles, relays, and more are revolutionizing long-haul trucks”

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that the supply chain has been in a world of pain over the last few years. This has been caused by COVID shipping delays, bottlenecks at the ports, and significant lags in truck delivery. 

And one of the biggest pain points is a shortage of long-haul truck drivers. 

And now, transportation companies are developing tech-driven approaches that not only solve problems that have been plaguing the industry for decades, but also turn trucking itself on its head. 

From trucks in relay to autonomous trucking, the world of deliveries is changing faster than many thought possible. Short of a drone going door to door, your deliveries have never looked better.

What’s the problem with long-haul trucking?

Research last year by the American Trucking Associations predicted a 2021 truck driver shortage of just over 80,000. Following current trends, the shortage could surpass 160,000 by 2030.

The biggest challenge is attracting workers. Simply put, long-haul trucking involves being away from home, with drivers living in their rig. Most workers are nearer to the end of their working life than at the beginning. 

Furthermore, attempts to attract younger workers are hindered by the isolation of life on the road. 

Relay road freight brings work-life balance to truckers

Truckster relays