
#PvP Master: How to Prepare Your Character for Any Fight

#PvP Master: How to Prepare Your Character for Any Fight

PvP is one of those things that everyone takes very personally. When you’re in a game or a raid and the boss battle bests you, you know that you lost against a wall of code and, with repetition and practice, you’ll nail it. Not so with PvP.

In the arena, you have to match wits and tactics with players just like you. Knowing that you lost to someone just like you can sting. This is where tactics and hard work collide, where heroes clash for a taste of glory.

In this article, we are going to list out six ways you can get better at PvP if you’re just starting out. Without further ado, let’s get rolling!

1. It’s All About the Game and How You Play It

Knowing is half the battle. There are many things going on at the same time in the arena, and you have to be prepared to make many snap decisions. For example, what are the strengths and weaknesses of your party? What about the opponents? When should you exchange offensive and defensive cooldowns? How do you respond when the opponents activate theirs?

You can’t stop in the middle of a fight and think about the solutions to these. The knowledge you seek will come to you through research and practice. You have to know the game inside and out to be able to make so many macro decisions.

2. Find the Best Teammates for You

PvP in the Arena is a team game. That’s why you need to find the best teammates you can. Finding them is the challenge. You can look for groups on Reddit and Discord, or even Facebook, and keep track of people you seriously gel with. Add them to your friend list and game with them consistently.

Remember, the team that wins is the one that knows how to work well together. That is something you will build up through time and many, many games. Consistency is the keyword here.

3. Use a Carry Service

All of the above points, in conjunction work, but they all take a lot of time. Sometimes months. If you don’t have that kind of time or can’t afford to invest so much time in a game, you might want to consider a World of Warcraft PvP Carry Service.

At a cost, professionals will hand-deliver the build of your dreams that is competitive regardless of the team it’s in or the opponent it faces. You can choose the items you want and be assured that you will get them. This will put you on the fast track to becoming a champion.

4. Communication Is King

You have audio channels. Use it. Call out strikes and patterns as you see them. But not only during a game, but you also need to communicate before and after games, too. You need to discuss plans and strategies based on your builds and specs, spell loadout, and consider what strategies the opponents will be using.

5. Cultivate a ‘Never Give Up’ Attitude

Attitude is probably the biggest thing that can help make or break you and your team. You have to develop a mindset that will not allow you to quit. The basis of this can be achieved by taking heed of the following points:

  • Don’t quit after a single game, especially if you are in a fledgling team. All of you have to learn and get used to each other’s playstyles. On average, give this process about three to five games. If things don’t improve by then, think about finding other players.
  • Avoid nasty confrontations. There is nothing to be gained by being a jerk to others. A few barbed words won’t help someone become the best player. Instead, offer criticism constructively and learn to take it as well. If you plan to leave, leave amicably.
  • The internet is a cesspool for the blame game. However, instead of blaming someone else for things going wrong, see if you yourself could have done something to make it better. Introspection and acknowledgment of mistakes help the whole team improve.
  • Remember, at the end of the day, you can only truly control your own actions. This is why you should focus on bringing your own A-game instead of micromanaging everyone else. Learn your class and perfect your gameplay first. Trust the others to do the same, or help them with constructive criticism.

6. Practice and Review

Record your matches so that you can analyze what you did wrong. Learn from past mistakes and try to reduce the times you make them, if not outright stop them. Discuss with your team what you all got wrong and practice ways to help you all stop making mistakes like that. In the heat of the battle, you won’t realize all the mistakes you’re making or realize the progress you’ve made. However, watching the games back will help you see the fruits of your practice and help you get better and stronger go forwards.


PvP is a competitive tangle of strategies and hard work, and getting good at it will eat up a lot of your time. Never forget that you are playing a game to have a good time and not get frustrated. It should be a relaxing and not a stressful experience. So, have fun with it! Good luck!

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