
#A Manga About A 12-Year-Old Girl Who Dreams Of Becoming A SMITH, Part-Warrior Bad-Ass, Part Engineer! » OmniGeekEmpire

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#A Manga About A 12-Year-Old Girl Who Dreams Of Becoming A SMITH, Part-Warrior Bad-Ass, Part Engineer! » OmniGeekEmpire

Today, we’re checking out another manga that, for a while have been wanting to read but never got around to it and that is CLOCK STRIKER, a manga about a 12-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a SMITH, part-warrior bad-ass, part engineer, and all-around PROBLEM SOLVER.

The story is about CAST, a 12-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a SMITH, part-warrior bad-ass, part engineer, and all-around PROBLEM SOLVER. The problem? SMITHS are usually NOT WOMEN and even less so young black kids. Selected as a STRIKER (apprentice) to the enigmatic PHILOMENA CLOCK, one of the rare female SMITHS (and considered a loose cannon), Cast is determined to follow her dreams no matter how dangerous their adventures get!

You can read the first chapter for free here. Overall, I like this manga, it’s a new take that I haven’t seen before yet familiar at the same time. It’s definitely shonen at heart and the main character Cast is already quite likable. Yes, it does follow the principle of “a kid that wants to become something” trope however, that something most fans of manga eat up so I won’t knock it down or anything. The one thing that got me curious it the world itself. The manga doesn’t seem to shy away from touchy subjects like slavery, child exploitation, and other heavy hitters so it will interesting to see how the world has become such a mess.

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