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#Kendall Jenner Still Has Frequent Panic Attacks — But Found Something Old School That Helps

#Kendall Jenner Still Has Frequent Panic Attacks — But Found Something Old School That Helps

When it comes to self care, you just can’t beat the classics.

Kendall Jenner has been open about her mental health issues, particularly the anxiety she’s dealt with for years. The model has admitted to experiencing “scary” panic attacks, and struggled a long time with wanting to keep her issues a secret. But over time, she’s used her platform to build awareness of a frequently taboo subject.

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You might expect that someone as wealthy and privileged as Kendall might have some fancy, new-age coping mechanisms for her mental health problems. But the truth is, sometimes the old school ways are best! In her recent i-D cover story, the model revealed she journals “once or twice a week” to help soothe her anxiety and panic attacks, as well as “a little bit of depression.” She shared:

“It’s important to have a space that’s just for you where you can let out your happiness, your anger, frustrations, and stress, the things that are freaking you out, the things that are making you happy and even just ideas.”

(She also uses journaling as a way to manifest things into existence, because she believes “[our] minds are extremely powerful.”)

And BTW, when she says a space “just for you,” she means it — she keeps her journal under lock and key:

“Yeah, it’s like an old-fashioned diary. It has a lock on it and I hide it, I lock it away: mine is so, so secretive. I’m like, ‘No one can ever get this.’”

Aww! She has a diary! That’s so relatable!

Reading is another “great form of therapy and form of distraction” for the 26-year-old (she and a pal are currently reading It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover, if you want to join the book club). She explained:

“I was having a panic attack two nights ago, and I was just like, ‘Oh, but you know what? I’m just going to pick up this book and try to forget.’ … I just love having things that are for me and no one else, you know? I feel like reading is one of those things.”

Other forms of self care for Kendall include meditation, and yes, the new-agey practice of “sound healing” (she used to have “private sound bath sessions,” but is now learning to do it herself from home). She also turns to physical activity like working out, pilates, riding horses, and walking her dog. She said:

“I think I feel really good mentally when I feel really good physically.”

Makes sense!

Innerestingly, she adds her mental health was definitely not helped by having her every move watched by the world. The KUWTK alum admitted:

“I used to be really angry. I mean, you can literally find old videos of me screaming at the paparazzi for no reason, but also for a very obvious reason. I’m just a lot more at peace with things now. It’s hard to explain… it’s just something that you learn to live with, I guess.”

She also reflected:

“At a young age, I had to give up that control and let someone else portray me in the way that they wanted to, for an editorial or a campaign or commercial — whatever it was. That was my job. Now, being on the other side is taking that control back in a way, building my own brand, and feeling empowered — and it has been really amazing. As a woman and as someone who comes from a really female-driven family, it was really cool to put all my tools to work.”

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She added:

“It’s a sad thing to say, but sometimes you almost have to remind yourself who you are. I think doing your own personal work is a really great way of reminding yourself, ‘Oh, no, no, no, no. This is who I am.’”

Empowering words from an empowered woman – we love to hear it! What do U think Perezcious readers, will you be putting any of these tips into practice? Leave your best self care rituals in the comments (below)!

[Image via NBC/YouTube]

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