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#Kate, Toby, the smoker, & divorce

“Kate, Toby, the smoker, & divorce”

This Is UsIf you are entering This Is Us season 6 episode 11 with a feeling of dread, we 100% more than understand that based on what we saw tonight. As Toby said at the conclusion of the episode, the smoker has officially arrived back in Los Angeles. He thought of this as some fun family-bonding thing, but we’ve learned thanks to the flash-forwards that this very item is what leads to the divorce between him and Kate.

So is this really going to be the reason for the split? We don’t believe so; it’s just more of the catalyst, and the thing that makes the two realize that they can’t keep doing what they are. Toby’s already at a very different point in his life, he’s lied to Kate, and she doesn’t want to move. It doesn’t feel like they are compatible anymore.

New This Is Us video! Take a look below to see everything we thought about tonight’s episode. We have new reviews and discussions posted throughout the week, so SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube to ensure you don’t miss anything else.

So why does Jack Damon feel like the smoker is representative of the divorce when that is just a part of it? We just think that may be easier for him to digest. Also, it’s rather hard for him to think of the experience any other way since he was physically hurt as a part of the experience.

By the end of the episode next week, we at least hope that the divorce is settled on — we don’t really want to be dealing with this super-depressing story for the remainder of the season. We want to see these characters eventually happy, even if it does take a little while.

Related – Be sure to get some more updates when it comes to This Is Us

What are you most excited for when it comes to This Is Us season 6 episode 11 on NBC?

What do you think that the smoker really represents? Share some of your thoughts right now in the  comments below! We will have more discussion coming soon and, of course, we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: NBC.)

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