#Justin Hartley on what’s next for Kevin

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“Justin Hartley on what’s next for Kevin”

In some ways, the story of Justin Hartley’s character is 100% settled. Yet, we tend to think that there are a few mysteries that will still surface over time. Take, for example, what sort of father he will be.
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Speaking to Variety, Hartley opens up about what we’ll see coming up from Kevin as a dad — he’s got a good role model to look towards in Jack, but that doesn’t mean he is going to do or say the right thing all of the time:
It’s not always fun and games. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, sometimes there are tough sometimes. Look, Kevin wasn’t the easiest child growing up. So you can imagine if he has twins, and he has a boy, you can imagine that maybe the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree and maybe there’s some conflict there, as well. Because it’s too good to be true that he has these two really wonderful, lovely all-the-time, perfect children. They don’t exist. But it’s fun to see him in a different capacity. Remember when we used to see Jack be like, “Get your a– upstairs,” because Kevin was being a little pill. Now you see Kevin dealing with his kid, saying, “Go to your room! You’ve got to be kidding!” It’s pretty good stuff.
Some of this stuff with Kevin will be balanced alongside a lot of other stuff — take, for example, Randall’s political figure, caring for Rebecca, and of course whatever happens with Miguel.
Related – Check out more news about This Is Us, including an update from Sterling K. Brown
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