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#Grey’s Anatomy season 17 spoilers: When will the premiere take place?

#Grey’s Anatomy season 17 spoilers: When will the premiere take place?

Grey’s Anatomy

DeLucaIt’s probably not going to be a surprise to anyone that the Grey’s Anatomy season 17 premiere is going to address the global health crisis. When you are a hospital drama, it’s pretty much inevitable that you have to take some things like this on.

Of course, there are still questions with this sort of storyline in advance, especially when you think about some of the remaining questions related to this episode. Take, for example, just will the episode will take place within the timeline of the pandemic. Do you tackle it right away, or show the doctors deep into the process?

Want more news on Grey’s Anatomy in video form? Then watch our take on some season 16 rumors below! Once you do that, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our full show playlist. We’ll have other news soon enough…

Speaking in a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, Giacomo Gianniotti (who plays DeLuca) made it clear that the premiere would pick up a month and a half after the start of the crisis — that gives the team some space to work in, and at the same time, it also allows them to play around with time to show events from the past:

“It’s going to take place a little beyond where we left off in the last season. We might have some flashbacks. We might have some things where we’re referencing last season, just to have context leading up. But we are going to have a little leap when we start this season in terms of time.”

While not much has been said beyond the first episode of the season, but we have to imagine that the pandemic will continue to be a part of the show for a while — it may not always be front and center, but it will have to be something that the majority of the doctors are actively thinking about and are aware of. Grey’s Anatomy will probably try to offer a little bit of escapism here and there, but doing that in this era can be rather tricky.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news on Grey’s Anatomy, including more details on the future

What do you think is going to happen on the Grey’s Anatomy season 17 premiere?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember to stick around in the event you want some other details on the series. (Photo: ABC.)

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