
#Google Maps will soon suggest ‘eco-friendly routes’ by default

#Google Maps will soon suggest ‘eco-friendly routes’ by default

Google Maps is getting a new feature that encourages drivers to make more eco-friendly journeys.

The app will soon default to showing the route with the lowest carbon footprint, as long it’s got roughly the same ETA as the fastest path.

The new routing model analyzes data such as road incline and traffic congestion to optimize for lower fuel consumption.

When the eco-friendly route significantly increases the travel time, you’ll be able to compare the CO2 impact between the different routes. If you’d rather prioritize speed, you can adjust your preferences in Settings to show the fastest route as default (just know Mother Earth will be disappointed).

[Read: How to use AI to better serve your customers]

Google said the feature will launch in the US on iOS and Android later this year, “with a global expansion on the way.”

Credit: Google