#Final three roulette (day 64)

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“Final three roulette (day 64)”

Now, it feels like you can go ahead and add another one to the mix here in Monte, Brittany, and Taylor. Yes, it’s true that a lot of people in the house right now are after Brittany, but Monte and Taylor have the right read on things. What makes her more of a target right now than Alyssa? Sure, they may have to nominate her, but that doesn’t mean that they want her gone. We know Michael doesn’t either, so that could preserve her for a while.
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When Monte and Taylor had their talk this afternoon, there was a pretty clear understanding that Michael still needs to go to ensure that everyone else has some sort of chance. Monte and Taylor both know that they could beat Brittany in final three, Alyssa has friends on the jury, and Turner can be a competition threat. This is why it just makes sense for them to think the way that they are.
Given that Monte didn’t spill everything about this conversation to Michael after the fact, we do think he’s being genuine to Taylor about part of it … though we do think that he needs to win final HoH in order to make it to final two. Would either of the other players bring him to the end? He’s done a good job nurturing the jury and Brittany could be so much more beatable at the end of the day.
Not every person in the game seems to be aware that there’s a double eviction coming tomorrow, but that’s not a shock since not everyone left is some diehard fan of the show. They have at least recognized that there’s something big being built in the backyard, but that’s probably for the multiple comps needed for tomorrow. One will likely be somewhat physical, and the other mental or skill-based in nature.
Do you think Monte and Taylor should go with Brittany to the final three in the Big Brother 24 house?
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