#California dad wants cop fired for pointing gun at his toddler son
“California dad wants cop fired for pointing gun at his toddler son”
June 4, 2020 | 8:16am | Updated June 4, 2020 | 10:01am
Dontae Parks, 29, attended a peaceful protest against the death of George Floyd in Long Beach, California, with his toddler son.
“The officer in the photo — he should not be a cop at all,” Dontae Parks, 29, told the Sun of the unnamed officer aiming the weapon just feet from where he had his son on his shoulders at the Long Beach rally.
“I could tell just by looking at him he’s ready to shoot at any time,” he claimed.
Parks says he only took his toddler — who was wearing a Batman costume and holding a “Black Lives Matter” sign — to Sunday’s event because it was billed as peaceful.
He claims officers did not seem to care that he was with a vulnerable child when they started firing rubber bullets at the crowd.
“One cop threatened to spray my son with tear gas,” he said, stressing it was not the same one with the weapon in the now-viral photo. “I was shocked,” he said.
Video from the protests seem to back up his claim, with one woman heard wailing at cops, “What’s the matter with you? You are a monster! You are really going to gas this child?”
The video also shows at least one officer repeatedly suggesting Parks move away — with him clearly staying put as they fired on the crowd.
“A lot of people might think I put my son in danger by being there, but I know I wouldn’t let anything happen to him, and when it started to get really dangerous, we went home,” Parks told the paper.
“I’m a great father and I take care of my son and I’m raising him to be great,” he insisted.
He also believes that “if me and my son were white, I don’t think that cop would have threatened to spray the gas.”
“It would have been a whole different scenario and that’s another reason I was there,” he said.
Long Beach police did not respond to the Sun’s requests for comment.
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