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#Buck’s brother & the aftermath

#Buck’s brother & the aftermath

BuckAs we approach 9-1-1 season 4 episode 5 airing on Fox next week, we’re preparing ourselves for an emotional Buck storyline. How could there not be, given what we just went through on Monday night’s episode?

In the closing minutes of that hour, Maddie revealed to her brother that there was actually another brother in the family named Daniel. However, he died. The timeline of events still is not clear, but our feeling is that he must have passed prior to Buck being born. He has no memory of him, and clearly his entirely family went to great lengths to ensure that he never found out the truth.

In the promo for “Buck Begins” below, Oliver Stark’s character asks what seems to be a pretty obvious question — why? After so many years, why continue to keep this from him? He’s a guy who experiences near-death situations on a regular basis, so he probably feels as though he is more than able to handle something like this. Yet, whatever happened to Daniel must have been dark, painful, and traumatizing. It may not be just about how Buck would feel hearing the truth, but also how others would feel relaying it. This death may have defined his entire childhood without him even knowing it.

This episode is going to be a lot to handle emotionally. Now that Buck knows, there’s no way that anyone can continue to keep this hidden from him. He’s not going to be someone to accept a tiny morsel of information and that’s it. He will want to know everything, and probably won’t stop asking questions until he arrives at a point when all of the truth is out there.

Related – Check out some additional coverage when it comes to 9-1-1 right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to 9-1-1 season 4 episode 5?

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This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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