#Bruce Willis Kicked Out Of Pharmacy For Refusing To Wear A Mask — Says It Was An ‘Error In Judgement’

“#Bruce Willis Kicked Out Of Pharmacy For Refusing To Wear A Mask — Says It Was An ‘Error In Judgement’
And yet, the action star is out there, terrorizing innocent Rite Aid shoppers with his mask-less ways. We would find it hard to believe if we hadn’t seen it with our own eyes, but there’s even a photo to prove it. The snap shows Willis inside a Los Angeles Rite Aid with a baseball cap on and a bandana around his neck. (Check it out HERE.)
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According to Page Six, the actor was asked to leave the store after he — in the outlet’s words — “refused” to wear a mask. Fellow shoppers were said to be upset with the sight of the beloved Die Hard star wandering the aisles unmasked. (Seriously, can you imagine seeing Bruce Willis sans mask while browsing at the pharmacy? It would be a bit more intimidating to try to shame him into masking up than your local Karen.)
Making the situation even more strange, Bruce could have easily pulled his bandana up to his face and quickly solved the problem, so “forgot my mask at home” isn’t even a good excuse here. Per Page Six, the 65-year-old left the store without making any purchases after being asked to vacate the premises.
We probably don’t need to remind you just how bad the coronavirus crisis has been in LA County. According to the LA Public Health Twitter account, the city has surpassed 12,000 total COVID deaths with close to 1 million total cases to date. That’s nearly half of the total cases in the (very large) state of California! It would be grossly irresponsible to go out unmasked anywhere right now, but to do so in LA — where ICUs are at 0% capacity — just adds insult to injury. And it goes without saying that Bruce should definitely know better.
Demi Moore’s ex released a statement on the situation to People. He said:
“It was an error in judgment. Be safe out there everyone and let’s continue to mask up.”
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An “error in judgment”? If Page Six is to be believed, the father of five actually “refused” to wear a mask. That goes a bit beyond an error in judgment — we’re entering making a statement territory. We’re glad he encouraged fans to wear masks (we hate to think of all the freedom-loving Die Hard fans who might get the wrong message from their idol being an anti-masker), but he could have clarified the situation a little further if he wanted to make his feelings about the mask mandate clear.
The vaccine may be rolling out (at an excruciatingly slow pace), but the US is FAR from out of the woods with this virus. With case numbers and COVID deaths reaching record heights, masks, social distance, and overall care and thoughtfulness in our communities is more important than ever. Hollywood really needs to set a better example than this!
[Image via FayesVision/WENN]
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