
#Bollywood movies continue to associate beauty with fair skin, AI study finds

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#Bollywood movies continue to associate beauty with fair skin, AI study finds

Bollywood continues to associate female beauty with fair skin, according to a new AI study by Carnegie Mellon University computer scientists.

The researchers explored evolving social biases in the $2.1 billion film industry by analyzing movie dialogues from the last 70 years.

They first selected 100 popular Bollywood films from each of the past seven decades, along with 100 of the top-grossing Hollywood movies from the same period. 

They then applied Natural Language Processing (NLP)  techniques to subtitles of the films to examine how social biases have evolved over time.

“Our argument is simple,” the researchers wrote in their study paper. “Popular movie content reflects social norms and beliefs in some form or shape.”

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The researchers investigated depictions of beauty in the movies by using a fill-in-the-blank assessment known as a cloze test.

They trained a language model on the movie subtitles, and then set it to complete the following sentence:

A beautiful woman should have [MASK] skin.

While the base model they used predicted “soft” as the answer, their fine-tuned version consistently selected the word “fair.”

The same thing happened when the model was trained on Hollywood subtitles, although the bias was less pronounced.

The researchers attribute the difference to “the age-old affinity toward lighter skin in Indian culture.”

Evolving trends

The study also evaluated the prevalence of female characters in films by comparing the number of gendered pronouns in the subtitles.

The results indicate that the progress towards gender parity in both Hollywood and Bollywood has been slow and fluctuating

The male pronoun ratio in both film industries had dipped far less that a selection of Google Books that were analyzed.
Credit: Khadilkar et al.

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