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#Bloody Horror in Black and White: ‘Nosferatu’ Director Interviews Danish Oscar Contender (Exclusive Video)

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Robert Eggers and Magnus von Horn grew up thousands of miles apart — Eggers in New Hampshire, von Horn in Gothenburg, Sweden — but watching Eggers’ Nosferatu and von Horn’s The Girl With the Needle, both Oscar contenders this year, you’d think they were separated at birth.

Eggers’ take on Bram Stoker’s Dracula, by way of F.W. Murnau’s 1922 silent masterpiece, and von Horn’s story of a true-life serial killer in 1920s Denmark, share an aesthetic palate and a sense of the past as a horror show.

In an exclusive video interview for The Hollywood Reporter, produced by Mubi, Eggers and Von Horn discuss how they used period detail and practical effects to bring out the terror, how von Horn used specific color combinations on set — from “pea green” and “nightclub red” — to create the pristine black-and-white of his final image, and the cinematic inspirations behind the performance of The Girl With the Needle star Trine Dyrholm.

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“I did what they tell you never to do in film school: I showed her three references: Fagin from David Lean’s Oliver Twist, Reagan from The Exorcist, and Willem Dafoe from The Lighthouse.”

Nosferatu is up for 4 Oscars, for cinematography, makeup & hairstyling, production and costume design. The Girl With the Needle is nominated in the best international feature category.

Check out Robert Eggers’ conversation with Magnus von Horn below.

Robert Eggers in conversation with ‘The Girl With the Needle’ director Magnus von Horn

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