
#Biden resumes ‘air illegal’ into Westchester as migrant tide grows worse

“Biden resumes ‘air illegal’ into Westchester as migrant tide grows worse”

Progressives may rage about Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s stunt of busing migrants from the border to DC, but it only matches President Joe Biden’s approach, including the quiet resumption of midnight charter flights of migrant kids to the Westchester County Airport.

The Post was there last week as a group of migrant teens hopped off an Avello Airlines jet and boarded three waiting buses that ferried them into New Jersey.

This is just the start, White House flacks acknowledged, saying the flights “transport unaccompanied minors to vetted sponsors or relatives with whom they will await the outcome of their immigration proceedings.”

The Bidenites had suspended the Westchester flights after The Post exposed them but plainly figure they’ll just have to accept the publicity of restoring the air-ferry “service.”

After all, Team Biden insists on admitting the illegal migrants, and the Department of Homeland Security reported yet another record for March, more than 221,000 illegal crossers encountered, up from the previous Biden-era peak set last July. Since the prez took office, encounters total nearly 2.5 million, plus an estimated  600,000 “gotaways” who were never intercepted

And the surge will only grow with the planned lifting of Title 42, which allowed many to be sent back over COVID concerns even though they claim (as they’re counseled to do) asylum.

Team Biden will basically argue that it has “no choice,” when the clear fact is that it’s chosen to open the border as widely as it can.

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