
#Biden gives blacks the opposite of prosperity, safety, security

#Biden gives blacks the opposite of prosperity, safety, security

The 2020 political cycle was arguably the most divisive in American history. Friends and family withdrew to partisan corners, and decades-long relationships ended. I experienced this myself, as people I knew for years suddenly treated me as a pariah simply for being conservative.

One of my best friends with whom I traveled the world raised money for Joe Biden. We remained close friends when he worked for the Obama administration, but something was different this past election. He ended our friendship over the politics of the moment.

How could this happen? One culprit is the political class, which poisoned our politics. Fostering racial tensions was one of their most potent weapons.

Indeed, the pundits would say if you supported President Donald Trump — or any Republican, for that matter — then you couldn’t support the black community. In fact, you were deemed an enemy of the black race. That was the line drawn in the sand for Americans, especially African Americans, who voted last year.

The elites told us that Biden would protect black people and believe black lives mattered. They also said he would ensure the black community’s prosperity and success. How could anyone back a racist over the savior of black people?

Here’s the problem: The Biden presidency has been the antithesis of black prosperity, black safety and black security.

Black Americans voted overwhelmingly for Biden in the last presidential election, but aren’t seeing a reward in return.
Black Americans voted overwhelmingly for Biden in the last presidential election, but aren’t seeing a reward in return.
Getty Images

In June 2020, a Washington Post-Ipsos poll found that racism was a top issue for voters, especially black Americans. Millions of Americans depended on Biden to be their voice against racism. After all, Biden ran a campaign calling Trump a racist.

However, Biden hasn’t been their voice against racism. Indeed, his son Hunter, the person he said was the smartest man he knows, was caught using the N-word in text messages with his attorney. What’s more, Hunter Biden also used stereotypical language about black people. I spoke about this in great detail on my podcast, “Outloud with Gianno Caldwell.” 

Did Biden or his White House speak out against such language used by his son? No. But I can guarantee you that Trump or any Republican whose children were accused of the same thing would have to answer publicly on this matter. The Bidens haven’t, however, and it appears they won’t.

What about the recent immigration policy pushed by the Biden administration? The president has allowed in over a million immigrants from Latin American countries. But the black Haitians who have experienced the assassination of their president, a natural disaster that has crippled their country, and a complete lack of resources due to a dysfunctional government — these are the folks you would think would be great candidates for asylum. Not under the Biden administration.

At the US-Mexico border, the Biden administration has allowed in more than one million immigrants from Latin American countries but turned away black Haitians who could legitimately claim political asylum.
At the US-Mexico border, the Biden administration has allowed in more than one million immigrants from Latin American countries but turned away black Haitians who could legitimately claim political asylum.
USA Today Network/Sipa USA

According to The Washington Post, 30,000 immigrants, mostly Haitians, entered the United States and camped under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. Of those 30,000, most were sent back to Haiti. To compare, illegal immigrants who crossed the border into the US have reached their highest level in decades. The US Border Patrol intercepted more than 1.5 million illegal immigrants, many from Latin countries, for the fiscal year at that time.

Black Haitians have been sent back to Haiti while seemingly everyone else who has come to this country illegally can stay through the asylum process.

African Americans have been outraged at this inconsistent policy. We all saw the pictures of Border Patrol controlling the flow of Haitians entering America — a law enforcement effort that Rep. Maxine Waters said was worse than slavery. This is the policy brought to you by the Biden administration.

To make matters worse, the Biden administration publicly considered providing illegal immigrants who were separated from their families at the border as much as $450,000 and up to $1 million a family. News organizations were calling these payments reparations. Compare that to the assistance the Biden administration offered Haitians who were deported back to their country. They received $100 dollars when they landed. 

The inflation of the Biden years is negatively impacting lower-income families, families of color, and rural households more than other demographics.
The inflation of the Biden years is negatively impacting lower-income families, families of color, and rural households more than other demographics.
Paul Martinka

Let’s get this straight: You come to our country illegally, are separated from your family briefly, and you are entitled to a cash payment for breaking our laws? Meanwhile, black men — American citizens — were separated from their families due to the Biden-Clinton crime bill, and many are still sitting in prisons. Low-level offenses such as marijuana use were used to lock black men away for years. With millions of black families impacted, Biden has bragged about the “Biden Crime bill,” as he has called it, which provided $12.5 billion in grants to fund incarceration, with nearly 50 percent earmarked for states that adopted tough “truth-in-sentencing” laws that scaled back parole. Under this grant program, eligible states received money to expand their prison capacity. 

What about black prosperity? In the Trump era, African-American unemployment had reached the lowest on record — 5.5 percent in September 2019, shortly before the start of the pandemic. There had never been so many African Americans who were part of the workforce. This was essentially thanks to the economic policies pushed by Republicans. Tax cuts, wage increases, and GDP growth helped create an economy where everyone benefited.

In the Biden era, Joe takes credit for a lower unemployment rate. But what he won’t tell you is that the rate is lower now thanks to a decline in labor participation among African-Americans. This is nothing to celebrate. If anything, it’s one of the most significant indicators of black poverty.

The solution for Democrats was to defund the police. The ramifications of that? More crime, especially in the predominantly African-American neighborhoods of New York and other cities.
The solution for Democrats was to defund the police. The ramifications of that? More crime, especially in the predominantly African-American neighborhoods of New York and other cities.
Erik Pendzich/Shutterstock

Let’s not forget about the impact of inflation on lower-income families, families of color, and rural households more than other demographics, according to a Bank of America research report. Breaking down demographics by race, geography, and income, the bank found that the “inflation shock” of 2021 has disproportionately affected the marginalized: Households without college graduates, African American, Hispanic and Latino communities, and those not living in cities who have been spending more of their post-tax income on goods and services.

Yet black Americans continue to support Joe Biden and the Democratic Party blindly, refusing to see the other side as even human. When African Americans like Ice Cube tried to work with the campaigns of both Trump and Biden to get the best deal for the black community, he was shunned by African-American leaders across the country for attempting to work with Trump. And the Biden campaign had no interest in working with him, but Republicans were open and willing.

Even Nicki Minaj highlighted the Democrats’ hypocrisy toward blacks, tweeting, “I can’t speak to, agree with, even look at someone from a particular political party. Ppl aren’t human any more. If you’re black & a Democrat tells u to shove marbles up ur ass, you simply have to.”

In the Trump era, African-American unemployment reached the lowest on record — 5.5 percent in September 2019, shortly before the start of the pandemic.
In the Trump era, African-American unemployment reached the lowest on record — 5.5 percent in September 2019, shortly before the start of the pandemic.
Bloomberg via Getty Images

Since George Floyd’s death, the rise in crime has impacted every state and has made African Americans even less safe. The solution for Democrats was to defund the police. The ramifications of that? More crime. The murder rate in 2021 has soared to levels not experienced since the 1990s. Albuquerque, N.M., Louisville, K.Y., Philadelphia, and Portland, Ore., all experienced record-high murder rates last year as other cities experienced sky-high crime rates in different categories. 

African Americans must ask themselves, is this loyalty to the Democratic Party worth it?

I can assure you many would say no. 

Gianno Caldwell is a Fox News political analyst and the author of “Taken for Granted: How Conservatism Can Win Back the Americans That Liberalism Failed” (Crown Forum).

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