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#Best Sci-Fi Sequels Ever Made, Ranked

“Best Sci-Fi Sequels Ever Made, Ranked”

From the old Jules Verne-inspired movies dating back to the earliest days of cinema to current-day blockbusters, science fiction movies continue to be a big draw for movie-goers worldwide, and a successful franchise can mean big bucks for a studio. Avatar, Alien and Transformers are some of the well-known sci-fi franchises set to release new movie installments in the near future.
Sci-fi fans are some of the most loyal and passionate there are, and due to the subjective nature of film, there will always be debate over what makes a great sci-fi. Unfortunately, though, studios have often focused on quantity over quality and have rushed sequels, spin-offs, and reboots to market without paying any mind to script quality. For every Terminator 2 and Aliens, there are a load of Robocop 3s and Highlander II: The Quickenings. To save yourself from being consumed by the hundreds of these questionable movies lurking out there in the universe, we’ve put together the list below to allow you to explore 8 of the very best sci-fi sequels ever made.
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8 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

20th Century Fox

The first Planet of the Apes trilogy, in which humans and intelligent apes clash for control, are among the most iconic movies within the sci-fi genre. Unfortunately, the 2001 Tim Burton reboot failed to recapture that same magic, and the poor response led to any plans of further sequels to be abandoned. Fast-forward to 2014 and in steps Rupert Wyatt to try and resurrect the beloved franchise. Rise of The Planet of the Apes was a huge success with critics and fans alike, thanks to Andy Serkis’ performance as Caesar. A sequel was quickly greenlit which resulted in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes directed by Matt Reeves. It was grand and ambitious, but still felt grounded and personal. It was an instant hit and was showered with accolades, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Visual Effects. It is still regarded today as one of the best entries in the series and ranks among some of the best sci-fi sequels of all time.

7 Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars Episode 8
Via: Lucasfilm Ltd.

After the mixed responses to the prequel trilogy, it’s fair to say that a number of people may have lost hope in the dream that anything coming out under the Star Wars name could come close to the original trilogy. JJ Abram’s hugely successful The Force Awakens changed all that and a newfound interest in the series had awoken. There was a lot riding on its follow-up The Last Jedi, to say the least. It not only exceeded expectations, but completely subverted them too. Instead of treading familiar territory, characters, tropes, and entire plotlines took fans to new and unexpected places. The Last Jedi dared to be different, and it paid it off, while still retaining the magic and charm of Star Wars that has helped make it one of (if not the) most beloved franchises in cinema history.

6 Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049
Warner Bros. Pictures

A rather controversial entry into the list. While the original is undeniably one of the genre’s strongest and most adored movies, Blade Runner 2049 was far more divisive. It was universally praised for its stunning visuals and cyberpunk aesthetics, but had issues with the pacing and tonal shift from the original. Despite its lengthy run-time, the film manages to maintain focus and its bleak portrayal of a dystopian future is one of the finest ever committed to film. The stellar cast, which includes the triumphant return of Harrison Ford, the cinematography, and the soundtrack are all second to none, and its exploration of numerous social issues is handled with just enough subtlety to make for engaging, thought-provoking viewing without being too heavy-handed as to bombard the viewer. And if watched on an IMAX screen, it’s one of the most immersive movie experiences ever. Fans can look forward to the new TV series Blade Runner 2099, reportedly in the works at Amazon.

Star Trek First Contact Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures

Star Trek: First Contact is the second movie to release during The Next Generation era. Directed by cast member Jonathan Frakes in his directorial debut, it starred the inimitable Patrick Stewart in one of his most iconic roles to date as Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The plot sees the USS Enterprise-E traveling back in time to the mid-21st Century to make the necessary changes to prevent the cybernetic Borg from conquering Earth. Often cited by fans as the greatest film in the franchise, the movie was a hit with critics across the globe and went on to be nominated and win multiple industry awards, with particular praise directed towards the make-up and visual effects.

4 Back to the Future Part II

Back to the Future 2 Stuntwoman and Husband Killed in Ohio Shootout

A refreshing entry on this list, in that it takes itself far less seriously than the average sci-fi. While more uneven and not as consistently funny as its predecessor, Back to the Future Part II nonetheless is thoroughly enjoyable as we’re taken way into the future (2015…) then back to the 1950s, with all the fantastic main cast (minus Crispin Glover and Claudia Wells) all making appearances. Slightly darker in tone and featuring a more ambitious plot, Back to the Future remains a staple in the collection of any fan of sci-fi and / or comedy.
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3 Terminator 2: Judgement Day

The Terminator points a shotgun off screen on a motorcycle
Tri-Star Pictures

As we near the top of this list, we’re encountering movies that are not just among the best sci-fi sequels, or even the best sci-fis, but that are some of the best movies ever made. Period. It’s safe to say that Terminator 2: Judgement Day sits proudly in that category. The first was revolutionary, but was among James Cameron’s first directing experiences and had budget constraints. Following its success, the now more experienced Cameron was given more creative freedom and a greater budget. The result? One of the most visually impressive, action packed, thought-provoking sci-fi movies ever made. Drawing inspiration from horror and action movies, this genre bending masterpiece cemented Cameron as one of the industry’s most exciting directors and Arnold Schwarzenegger as the biggest action star in the biz.

2 Aliens

The alien queen slithers angrily in Aliens
20th Century Fox

More of a sci-fi action-horror than the slow burn, suspense filled original 1979, Alien, Aliens is another example of a sequel that, in a lot of people’s opinion, surpasses the original. Ridley Scott’s original was undoubtedly a game-changer and a masterclass in sci-fi horror filmmaking. It was ahead of its time and influenced thousands of imitations over the following four decades, released to varying levels of success. When James Cameron took the reins and stepped in to direct the sequel, he had some very large shoes to fill. Instead of falling into the common trap of simply rehashing the original’s ideas, he took a gamble and completely changed up the tone, style, and format. Needless to say, the gamble paid off. What we ended up with was Sigourney Weaver returning as an even more badass Ellen Ripley — think Rambo in space, in a balls-to-the-wall, alien-slaying, non-stop action horror fest. The acting is on-point, the effects are incredible (especially for the time), the score is ruminative, and Ellen Ripley is still one of the most iconic female leads in cinema history, and should serve as inspiration to anyone looking to cast strong women in sci-fi, action, and horror movies.

1 Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Sit a group of Star Wars fans in a room and there would, no doubt, be hours upon hours on hours spent debating the ranking of the series of movies. While opinions will vary (and that’s the beauty of the subjective nature of art), one thing that most fans have in common is the love of the original trilogy (although, again, this could depend on age and when you were first introduced to the franchise). Whether The Empire Strikes Back is better than the original remains up for debate, but there’s no denying it is an absolutely fantastic film. With an even larger budget, the visual effects came on leaps and bounds from the original, resulting in more high-octane action set-pieces. It also features one of cinema’s greatest twists of all time. New interesting characters are added, while old ones were developed further. This timeless story full of action, adventure, growth and plenty of heart still stands up today, over 40 years on, making The Empire Strikes Back one of the greatest movies of all time.

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