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#Arun & Natalia’s next chance

#Arun & Natalia’s next chance

The Amazing RaceWant to get a sense of what’s coming on The Amazing Race 33 episode 8? From here on out, we have to assume things will get all the more intense.

The first thing that we assumed entering the episode was simply that could be seeing the show head off in a new destination moving forward. Is that really the case? It was hard to tell from the preview, even though the race rarely ever stays in the same spot for three straight legs. Granted, this is far from your typical season given all the various pandemic restrictions.

The second thing we wondered is if Arun & Natalia can find a way to stick around on the show one more time. They’ve already gotten more chances than any other team ever, at least in that they were brought back from elimination while also getting two non-elimination leg reprieves. If they find a way to win this whole season, it’d be hilarious — at least from our vantage point. Some other people probably wouldn’t feel that way.

One amusing thing from the preview is that at some point next week, Lulu & Lala are going to arrive at the pit stop a little earlier than they probably meant to. Hey, this is something that happens when a lot of tasks are in a rather centralized location! Unfortunately for them, it could also cost them some valuable time.

At this point in the Race, our #1 question still remains if there is a way for anyone to topple the likes of Ryan & Dusty. After all, remember how enormously strong they’ve been all season! Even though they haven’t won the last two legs, there wasn’t a lot in here that suggested to us we really should be concerned about them getting eliminated soon.

Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Amazing Race right now

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