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#Armie Hammer BRAGGED About Women Offering To Let Him Eat Pieces Of Them After Scandal Broke!?

#Armie Hammer BRAGGED About Women Offering To Let Him Eat Pieces Of Them After Scandal Broke!?

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

Another woman is speaking out against Armie Hammer — but thankfully for her sake she’s been at cell phone’s length from him. And it’s given her a unique perspective on the scandal and his reaction to it.

The “friend” of the Call Me By Your Name star spilled to, revealing text messages she claims he sent to her both in the weeks leading up to the big social media leaked DM drop and in the aftermath.

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the outlet the two had been sexting for about six weeks before the day last month when dozens of screenshots of Armie describing physical abuse, violent BDSM urges, and — most shockingly — cannibal fantasies hit the internet. While we still cannot confirm those DMs were really from the actor, it’s clear many people close to him are convinced. He has already been dropped from two movies. His ex-wife Elizabeth Chambers has spoken out about being “shocked, heartbroken, and devastated” as she speaks to women who say he hurt them both after and during their marriage.

Related: Elizabeth Sages Her Space Amid Ongoing Armie Hammer Scandal

So you can imagine how someone who was just starting her flirtation with him must have felt. The woman, who we’ll just refer to as Jane Doe from here on out, tells the outlet:

“I started messaging him early to mid December. He was very responsive. It was from his official verified Instagram account. By the end of that day he was really interested in sexting and he was sending voice messages. We had conversations over the few weeks which ranged from sexual… to mundane.”

Did those messages include the rougher stuff we’ve heard he was into with other women? Right away, apparently.

Jane revealed some DMs she said were from Armie in which he explained some of what he was into, like when he allegedly wrote:

“Pleasure, choking someone just to the point where they are about to pass out but timing with when they are going to c*m so they come to while they are c*ming and lose their s**t. Also, great s*x in general. It’s my favorite drug.”

And then getting into more specific BDSM role play:

“I had one girl who we would role play that I had kidnapped her and was explaining to her that I kidnapped her because I knew she wanted it. And then would explain how I was going to keep her and use her as long as I wanted. That’s called consensual non-consent. And I am very down.”

In one of the leaked DMs, he describes having raped a sexual partner and her crying on the floor afterward. Was that another example of “consensual non-consent”?

Related: Armie’s Ex Says He Branded Her Like That NXIVM Cult

Speaking of that big leak, back on January 10, that was the day everything changed for Jane. She recalls:

“On the day that this account, HouseOfEffie, started to blow up, my friend texted me saying, ‘Did you see how all of Twitter is talking about how Armie Hammer is a cannibal?’”

It must have been quite a shock. But maybe she didn’t see it as the red flag others might have because she says she reached out to see how he was doing!

“I sent him a voice message saying how are you feeling and he said he felt he was being kink shamed over the internet.”

In a screenshot of the messages she asks, “Are you doing ok?!” and he allegedly wrote back:

“Not sure yet. I feel a bit overwhelmed to be honest. It’s very invasive and s**tty to get kink shamed by the internet ha”

But, she claims, he went on to discuss the silver lining of the scandal in a disturbing boast that we seriously hope is a joke:

“I’ve gotten a lot of offers from girls who said I can eat pieces of them haha.”

Um… Wow. Way to not read the room. Jane says Armie’s response to the scandal is what finally scared her off:

“He started to ask me things that started to turn really sexual again, and this is in the height of the scandals coming out. I blocked him after that and never talked to him again.”

We guess he’ll have to find comfort in the arms women are cutting off and sending him in the mail.

We joke, because what the heck else can you do in the face of such a shocking story, but this isn’t about the cannibalism fantasy or about BDSM. This isn’t kink shaming.

What the women who have come forward have described is not a relationship of “consensual non-consent” but of manipulation and intimidation into crossing lines they didn’t want to. What they’ve described is abuse, both mental and physical, that drove them to seek therapy afterward.

If the relationships weren’t causing this kind of harm, the women wouldn’t be speaking out and leaking the (alleged) DMs in the first place, right? That’s the point. We’d assume instead they’d be quietly thinking about the kinky stuff they did with Disney‘s Lone Ranger. But that’s not what’s happening. As for any women who are reaching out to Armie after all this… we hope they know what they’re getting into.

[Image via Armie Hammer/Instagram/WENN.]

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