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#American Gods season 3 episode 5 preview: Shadow Moon’s detour

#American Gods season 3 episode 5 preview: Shadow Moon’s detour

American GodsWant to get a good sense of what’s coming on American Gods season 3 episode 5? This is an episode entitled “Sister Rising,” and it sure feels like family (in its own warped way) is going to be a central theme for what’s next.

Take, for example, Shadow making it clear that he’s going to be away for a while to pay a visit to his father. You can see a conversation between him and Marguerite Olsen play out in the promo (watch here), but little does she know the depths of what Shadow is currently dealing with. There’s a lot of tough, weighty stuff at the core of this relationship, and we’re going to be seeing a lot of that play out as this hour progresses.

Of course, Shadow isn’t the only character with Wednesday on the mind at the moment — Laura is doing her part track him down — hence, the line in the promo of “where the f— is Wednesday?”. We are at a point in the season where almost everything could turn on a dime, and there are mental and physical battles tied to figuring out the fate of certain characters. Given that we’re only four episodes in, isn’t it exciting to be at this place already?

In terms of our general episode 5 expectations, let’s lead with this: A real desire to see a number of characters in roughly the same spot. We understand that a big chunk of this season revolves around resolving some threads from season 2 and explaining the newest iteration of Shadow, but we do want to see some people in one another’s orbit before too long. Hopefully this episode will serve as an opportunity to plunge us further into the mythos of this show, and inch us towards what it’s going to look like within the second half of the season.

Related – Check out more news when it comes to American Gods right now

What do you want to see on American Gods season 3 episode 5?

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