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#All of the biggest twists

#All of the biggest twists

The Flight AttendantThe season 1 finale of The Flight Attendant arrived on HBO Max today, and it was everything that we could have ever wanted. This show was crazy, intense, and probably different than anything else on TV. With that, we’re going to miss it.

So what is the big headline coming out of the finale? It’s probably that Cassie Bowden (Kaley Cuoco) is still alive after everything she went through. She was not responsible for the death of Alex Sokolov, and instead it was her fake boyfriend Buckley who did the deed. He had stalked her quietly for the vast majority of the series, and the finale paid all of that off in a super-smart way. He still would have killed Cassie were it not for another big twist: One of Cassie’s fellow fight attendants in Shane was a secret employee of the CIA. He was there to keep an eye on Megan, who had been involved in some very shady dealings.

The good news now is that Cassie gets to live and keep working — she may even have a future as an asset-of-sorts for the CIA. Meanwhile, she may also have a chance to continue working alongside Miranda if she so chooses. She probably needs to get her drinking under control before she commits to any of that, but she’s attending meetings and working on it to the best of her ability.

Is The Flight Attendant flawless? Hardly. With the Shane twist in mind, it’s super-weird how the majority of flight attendants on this show are either involved in criminal activity or working secretly for the federal government. We would’ve loved to see more of T.R. Knight. Yet, when the dust settled we were left with a show here that was thoroughly entertaining and a breeze to watch from start to finish. Cuoco was fantastic in showing more of her range, and in general we loved the entirety of the cast. We know we’ve spoiled most of the big twists in this article, but if you haven’t seen The Flight Attendant as of yet, we strongly recommend that you do so. There’s still enjoyment in it even if you know what’s coming.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Flight Attendant season 2

What did you think about the season 1 finale of The Flight Attendant on HBO Max?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, be sure to stick around for some other news on the series. (Photo: HBO Max.)

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