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#The nominations are… (day 7)

#The nominations are… (day 7)

Austin DookwahWelcome to day 7 of Big Brother Canada 9! This is shaping up to be a season stuffed full of big-time drama and today, we’ve got nominations.

Before we get to that, let’s set the stage for a moment here. The Head of Household for the week is Austin, as that was revealed on the feeds shortly after Thursday’s eviction show. At first, it seemed like the obvious target was Josh, given that he barely skated by on the first eviction of the season. (The target seemed to change at the very last minute.)

If you did miss our video interview with Julie Vu, watch that below! Once you take a look at that, we suggest that you then also subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube — there are live feed updates coming plus interviews and some other good stuff.

The nominations are in, and Josh is on the block now alongside Kiefer. Austin has debated strongly trying to take Kiefer out this week, mostly because of her lack of a relationship with him and also his paranoia starting to get the best of him. He started off this season as a captain, but he may already be starting to unravel. He does, however, have allies — he’s at least somewhat tight with some of the guys, but if the numbers aren’t there, will they fight in order to save him?

One of the best things that Josh has going for him is that he’s quiet — if he can lay low and try to let Kiefer implode, maybe that’s something that can work out in his favor. He needs to show he’s interested in staying without being overbearing … and maybe also rely on a little bit of luck. That worked out in his favor with Julie, as some of her own alliance-making worked in order to seal her own fate in the game.

The Power of Veto Competition is this weekend — it’s still early, so it’s hard to ultimately say where the rest of the season will go from here!

Related – Check out more discussion on our interview with Julie

What do you want to see happen this weekend in Big Brother Canada 9?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! After you do check that out, remember to stick around to score some other updates. (Photo: Global.)

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