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#A Million Little Things Round Table: Was the Season Premiere Underwhelming?

#A Million Little Things Round Table: Was the Season Premiere Underwhelming?

Did anyone see Gary and Christopher working together on that night coming?

It was the biggest shock of A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1, and it was an hour that also saw the departures of Delilah and Tyrell, and Eddie getting a new apartment and making headway in finding the person who hit him.

Join TV Fanatics Christine Orlando, Laura Nowak, and Jack Ori as they discuss the premiere.

A Million Little Things Round Table

Do you think Eddie will become too obsessed with finding the woman who hit him?

Christine: Yeah, I think searching for her is going to become his new obsession. He thought he had made peace with never knowing who hit him, but now that Eddie’s heard her voice, I don’t think he can let that go. So Eddie is going to try and track her down. What happens once he finds her is anyone’s guess.

Laura: Eddie tends to get stuck on one thing and make it his obsession. Finding the woman who says she hit him will be his latest one.

Jack: It certainly seems that way since he’s busy playing with voice recognition software and trying to find out who the woman was.

Are you content with Eddie and Katherine making peace with each other, or does it seem abrupt?

Christine: Well, they had come to a resolution at the end of last season that as long as Eddie remained sober and agreed to drug testing, that Katherine would let him have unsupervised visits.

It does feel somewhat abrupt because up until that point, they weren’t in a good place dealing with their divorce, but there’s only so much animosity I can watch, so I’m glad they seem to have gotten past it.

Laura: I used to ship Katherine/Eddie so hard that I hated watching them fight. I much prefer seeing them get along, whether it’s for Theo’s sake or because they all have mutual friends.

Eddie's PT  - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

Jack: Maybe it’s because of the long hiatus, but this didn’t seem at all unnatural to me. I guess the memories of them not getting along faded a bit, and this just seemed more… like them.

In any case, like Christine, I can’t take much more of the fighting and animosity, so I’m happy that they’re in a better place now.

What are your thoughts on Delilah and Danny relocating to France? Do you think they wrapped up this conflict too neatly and conveniently?

Christine: Much too convenient. So suddenly, Delilah is taking Charlie away from her father and half-brother indefinitely, and that’s okay?

Katherine and Darcy Hang with the Gang - tall - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

It’s also not fair that Danny, who just came out to his friends and has his first boyfriend, is moving to another country because he feels he has to take care of his mom.

Delilah’s been through a lot, and I do have sympathy for her, but why is it that everyone has to take care of Delilah, including her own kids? That’s supposed to be the other way around. I couldn’t help but agree with Sophie…everything always revolves around Delilah.

Laura: Much too convenient. In all honesty, I don’t care if Delilah leaves, but it’s not fair that she’s taking Charlie away so soon again. I also don’t want her to take Danny. He just came out at school and should be among his friends, I hope things change and Danny gets to stay.

I agree with Christine and Sophie, everything revolves around Delilah, and it sucks!

Delilah's Future Plans - tall - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

Jack: I agree with everyone else. I’m especially bummed that Danny is leaving with Deliliah. He’s one of my favorite characters, and I’m going to miss his special relationship with Gary!

Are you invested in Maggie’s podcast storyline at all?

Christine: Eh. After what happened last season, it seemed inevitable. Now that Maggie and Gary aren’t a couple, Maggie needs her own storyline, and the podcast is a way for her to bond with Sophie. The storyline has possibilities, so I’m curious to see where it leads.

Laura: It’s okay. It’s an interesting way for her to help people and a good way for her to bond with Sophie. If she stays away from being a couple with Gary, I’m good.

Sophie's Stand  - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

Jack: I like it. I didn’t like the way Dr. Stacy treated her last year, and I’m glad to see Maggie get the success she deserves. I always enjoy stories about people in the mental health field since that’s my field too, so I’m excited about this.

Do you think Tyrrell will return the Howards after visiting Haiti? Where should the Howards storylines go from here now that Tyrrell is gone and Someday is closed?

Christine: I think Tyrrell will return eventually if for no other reason than his mom will send him back. His poor mother is sleeping on someone’s sofa, so I’m not sure where he’s going to stay while he visits her!

Tyrell's New Life - tall - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

As for Rome and Regina, I’m not sure what comes next. Rome produced the documentary. Regina closed Someday.

They’ve dropped the idea of adopting a baby. Reopening a restaurant may not be possible for a while, thanks to the pandemic, I would like to see Regina find a new passion to pursue.

I just don’t know what that should be.

Laura: I hope Tyrrell returns. I’ve really enjoyed his storyline arc with the Howards. It showed that they could still be parents.

Starting Over after the Pandemic -tall - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

I want them to continue exploring what’s wrong with Regina. I hope Tyrrell returns so they can continue exploring fostering a teenager and how parenting was totally different than they expected. It was one of my favorite storylines last year.

Jack: I hope Tyrell returns. The beginning of his message made me feel like he was saying goodbye when he thanked Rome and Regina for everything, but then Tyrell said he was coming back in a few weeks, so I imagine he will… if COVID-related travel restrictions don’t interfere.

I’m not sure what’s next for the Howards, but maybe their storyline could be about them figuring out what’s next? Regina just lost her dream, and they don’t have Tyrell to take care of, so I can imagine them both feeling a little aimless, especially her.

Chatting Before Dinner - tall - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

Are you relieved that Darcy changed her mind about kids? Do you think this is the last of their relationship conflict?

Christine: I’m happy that Gary and Darcy seem to be back on solid ground. I really like these two together, so if Darcy is willing to start a family with Gary, I’m on board.

But if she learns what Gary did to Peter, will she trust him enough to follow through on this? I think that’s where the next conflict lies.

Laura: I would like to see Gary have his own family. He’s so good as Uncle Gary and taking care of people. I hope what he did to Peter doesn’t come to bite him.

The Fallout  - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

Jack: Agreed with the above. I don’t like the secret about Peter hanging over their heads because I like this couple, and I think that’ll cause trouble. But I’m glad that Darcy and Gary are back on the same page for now.

How long do you think Gary can keep what happened that night a secret? What are your reactions to Peter in a coma and Christopher Gregory showing up that night?

Christine: I completely understand the father wanting his revenge and Gary being angry enough to help, but having two people involved just makes the secret more difficult to keep.

I’d like to know what their overall plan was. Was it to scare Peter? Beat him up? Kill him?

Hiding his Sins - tall - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

It feels like there were better ways to get their revenge if they had taken more time to think it through.

Laura: I totally understand him wanting revenge, but his having help makes this more complicated. Part of me is rooting for them to get away with it cause I hate what Peter did to Sophie.

Jack: I understand why they did what they did, and it sucks that Sophie couldn’t get justice more legitimately. But I’m concerned that this will backfire.

Sophie already feels robbed of the chance to stand up and tell the world what Peter did to her, plus it seemed to me that detective called partially because he was feeling out whether Sophie might have been involved.

Mommy's Boy - tall - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

She has an alibi, for now, but if she ends up getting accused of being involved in the attack, I don’t think Gary will have a choice but to come clean, at least to Maggie and/or Sophie’s lawyer.

It also isn’t clear who did what. We know both men were there, and Gary had injuries. But we don’t know right now who was more responsible and what may happen as the cops continue their investigation into this. I have a feeling we may have some twists in this story.

What are your favorite or most interesting moments from the premiere? What do you look forward to most this season?

Christine: There wasn’t one moment that really stood out for me. As a season premiere, this didn’t wow me.

Eddie's PT  - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

I’m happy that Darcy and Gary are back together. I’m probably most intrigued about what happened to Peter and where that’s headed. I liked that Gary realized that perhaps what he did to Peter wasn’t really best for Sophie.

And as much as I don’t want to lose Danny, I’m happy Delilah is off to France and hopefully off-screen.

Laura: This wasn’t the best season premiere.

I was most curious about the Peter aftermath. I’m looking forward to seeing Sophie continue to heal. Lizzy Greene has really grown as an actress.

Kissing Colin - tall - A Million Little Things Season 4 Episode 1

Jack: This didn’t feel like much of a premiere to me either, but I’m interested in Eddie living in his own place and hopefully not getting too distracted by the mystery about who hit him to take proper care of Theo while he’s there.

I am also interested in where Sophie goes from here and what’s going on with the Peter story.

Over to you, AMLT Fanatics. Do you agree with us? Sound off below!

A Million Little Things airs Wednesdays on ABC. 

Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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