Trip & Travel

#30 Weird Laws From Around The World

9. A King’s Ransom, In Thailand

You’re vacationing in Thailand and you take money from your pocket to pay for something… and a gust of wind whisks it from your hands. Let it go, rather than stamping a restraining foot on it as it skitters down the pavement. Stepping on the image of the monarch, which appears on bank notes, is disrespectful and a criminal offence.

9. A King’s Ransom

10. Bearly There, In Poland

If you happen to be visiting Tuszyn in Poland, leave your Winnie the Pooh t-shirt, bag, hat or lunchbox at home – especially if you’re visiting an area frequented by children, like a play area. Pooh is, shock horror, only half-dressed – and his absence of gender-specific genitalia has even led to him being branded an ‘inappropriate hermaphrodite.’

10. Bearly There

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