Trip & Travel

#15 Things to See and Do in Japan

#15 Things to See and Do in Japan

Comprised of four mountainous, thickly wooded islands, Japan’s landscape is stunningly beautiful. Most of its huge population live in cities sprawled along its coastal areas, and these are attractions in themselves, with their incredible juxtapositions of old and new, and the sheer quirkiness for which Japan is known on the global stage. Don’t neglect the opportunity to venture out of the centers though as there are many things to see and do in Japan.

1. Climb Mountain Fuji

You have to at least see Mt Fuji, obviously – but you really should take it one (okay, several) steps further by climbing to its peak. A UNESCO World Heritage site, it’s best climbed between July and mid-September – but be aware that its popularity means that the route – which takes about 6 hours and is amply dotted with mountain huts – can get very crowded. Altitude sickness affects many people who tackle this 3,776 meter peak, so plan your trek to include an overnight at hut 7 or 8 so that you can acclimatize and more readily enjoy the view from the summit.

2. Catch a bullet train

Japan’s bullet trains – Shinkansen – are a legendary mode of transport, not least because in over 50 years, they have never been the cause of any accident or death, which is pretty impressive for something that travels at up to 320 kilometers per hour. Their punctuality, cleanliness and comfort are also aspects that those of us from “eewwww, the subway” countries tend to marvel at. Japan’s four main islands – Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu – are all linked by these trains, so they make a great – and reasonably cost-efficient – way to maximize what you can see of the country if you’re short on time. There are no guarantees that your ‘shot-from-the-train-window’ Insta-stories won’t just be one mad blur, though.

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