
#Your company’s AI strategy is failing — here are 3 reasons why

#Your company’s AI strategy is failing — here are 3 reasons why

Most companies are struggling to develop working artificial intelligence strategies, according to a new survey by cloud services provider Rackspace Technology. The survey, which includes 1,870 organizations in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, finance, retail, government, and healthcare, shows that only 20% of companies have mature AI/machine learning initiatives. The rest are still trying to figure out how to make it work.

There’s no questioning the promises of machine learning in nearly every sector. Lower costs, improved precision, better customer experience, and new features are some of the benefits of applying machine learning models to real-world applications. But machine learning is not a magic wand. And as many organizations and companies are learning, before you can apply the power of machine learning to your business and operations, you must overcome several barriers.

Three key challenges companies face when integrating AI technologies into their operations are in the areas of skills, data, and strategy, and Rackspace’s survey paints a clear picture of why most machine learning strategies fail.

Machine learning is about data

biased data

Machine learning models live on computing resources and data. Thanks to a variety of cloud computing platforms, access to the hardware needed to train and run AI models has become much more accessible and affordable.

But data continues to remain a major hurdle in different stages of planning and adopting an AI strategy. 34% of the respondents in the Rackspace survey stated poor data quality as the main reason for the failure of machine learning research and development, and another 31% said they lacked production-ready data.

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This highlights one of the main hurdles when applying machine learning techniques to real-world problems. While the AI research community has access to many public datasets for training and testing their latest machine learning technologies when it comes to applying those technologies to real applications, getting access to quality data is not easy. This is especially true in industrial, health, and government sectors, where data is often scarce or subject to strict regulations.

Data problems crop up again when machine learning initiatives move from the research to the production phase. Data quality remains the top barrier when it comes to using machine learning to extract valuable insights. Data engineering problems also pose a significant problem, such as data being siloed, lack of talent to connect disparate data sources, and not being fast enough to process data in a meaningful way.

machine learning insights