Trip & Travel

#Wildlife Wonders – 10 Rare Animals And Where To See Them

#7 Lemur

Found naturally only in Madagascar so this is where you need to head to see them in the wild. There are approximately 100 species of lemurs living in the forests of this diverse and beautiful island. You’ll have an amazing adventure trying to spot as many of these furry, long-tailed cuties as you can, and you should definitely include a stay at the Vakona Forest Lodge for a tranquil, heavenly retreat where you’ll get up close and personal with the lemurs.

#7 Lemur

#8 Elephant

There was a time when elephants roamed in great numbers across the border between South Africa and Mozambique, but these numbers fell during a period of civil war. Now, thankfully, the Tembe Elephant Park is bustling, and visitors can expect to have many close encounters with these majestic beasts. Local guides are a wealth of information about all things elephant and will take you on a thrilling game drive. A purely once in a lifetime adventure.

#8 Elephant

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