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#Who won, Will & James or Hung & Chee?

#Who won, Will & James or Hung & Chee?

The Amazing RaceTonight on The Amazing Race season 32 finale, we had a chance to see the final three face off in Will & James, Riley & Maddison, and Hung & Chee.

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So who ended up emerging victorious in the end? This could have been a pretty intense battle … but it wasn’t. Instead, we ended up seeing Will & James come through as the champions at the end of the episode, completing the majority of the course in New Orleans without fail. If eating a beignet is the biggest challenge you have in the final leg, you’re doing something right.

Ultimately, the newly-engaged couple (they got engaged at the final mat!) succeeded because they understood the tasks really well. They knew New Orleans well geographically, they finished the King Cake challenge super-quickly, and they made almost no mistakes in the final challenges save for straightening out their puzzle. They did an amazing job, and we wish that the producers had come up with a better way to ensure that there was a higher degree of difficulty in the end. Will & James were far and away the deserving champions for this season, but the final task was a little bit ho-hum after what we saw with the music just last season.

So what went wrong with the other teams? Chee didn’t spot the King Cake baby when it was right in front of him, and Riley & Maddison got lost almost right away and that was enough to wreck their chances. On a season like this and with a team as competitive as Will & James, one wrong move means that you can sag really far behind.

Now, we just have to wait and see what happens with next season — but congrats to the champs!

Related News – Be sure to get some more news on next season

Did the right team win The Amazing Race 32?

Be sure to let us know in the comments, and stick around for other news. (Photo: CBS.)

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