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#Who won the Power of Veto, week 4?

#Who won the Power of Veto, week 4?

Big Brother 23The Power of Veto Competition took place today in the Big Brother 23 house and, of course, there were big implications behind what would happen.

Before we share the winner, here’s a quick breakdown for those of you who have may have missed some of the news as of late — Head of Household Christian nominated Whitney and Hannah for eviction. There has been some back-and-forth on who the target could be but in the end, we think the Cookout will have Hannah’s back and keep her around. The fear is that the alliance ends up being exposed and of course, they don’t want that.

For some more news on Big Brother 23 in video form, remember to watch our most-recent discussion below! Once you do that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube and come back around for some other updates.

Playing in the Veto today were Christian, Hannah, Whitney, Derek X., Claire, and Azah. It’s a tough position for Derek or Azah to be in if they win, so we almost wondered how hard they would really try. Yet, there’s also incentive to go for it if it looks like Whitney is actually close to winning!

Without further ado, the winner of the Veto is… Christian! Yes, he has won yet another competition. This is his second straight Veto and it comes after he just won HoH — basically, this means that he’s going to be an enormous threat to everyone in the game. We doubt that he will do anything to change the nominees now, largely since it’d mean getting even more blood on his hands moving forward. (This guy is going to be TOUGH to get rid of — that much feels clear at this point.)

Related – Be sure to get some other information all about Big Brother and the live feeds

What do you think about the Power of Veto Competition within Big Brother 23 today?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to stick around — there are some other updates ahead that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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