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#Laverne Cox to guest star!

#Laverne Cox to guest star!

The Blacklist logoWe know that The Blacklist is great at finding big-ticket guest stars, and they will be doing so again for next week’s season 8 episode 10.

According to a new report coming in right now from TV Insider, former Orange is the New Black star Laverne Cox is going to appear as the title Blacklister Dr. Laken Perillos, a “sadistic” interrogator who will do whatever she can in order to get answers. She is going to be deployed by Townsend and, presumably, her actions will put both Reddington and Dembe in danger.

Want to watch our recent preview for what’s coming on The Blacklist next? Then watch what we’ve got at the bottom of this article! Once you check that out, be sure to subscribe to the Matt & Jess YouTube Channel! We have weekly reviews there and ALL sorts of other exciting content.

The character itself sounds exciting, but we can’t help but put the onus here on what’s going on with Townsend. This is a character we have wanted to see become a larger part of the show for some time now, and we’re thrilled that this opportunity seems to be finally here. We just wonder what has caused Reddington and Dembe to come into conflict with him, given that previously, it seemed like they were on the same page.

We love theories, so let’s go with this — what if Liz Keen finds Townsend and claims that Reddington, not Katarina, was the person he should’ve been after this whole time? It would at least create a new dynamic, and another problem that James Spader’s character wants to take on. We know that he won’t kill Liz, but what would he do with Townsend? How do you stop someone who has been operating so long in the shadows?

Related – Check out other news on The Blacklist and where things are going from here

What do you want to see from Laverne Cox on The Blacklist season 8 episode 10?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! After you do check that out, remember to stick around — we’ve got some other updates that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: NBC.)

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